Big Give Days


During the course of Give!Guide there will be several Big Give Days. They're powerful game changing dates and the more you promote them, the more action you'll see. Click to read more...

There's a lot of buzz and marketing focused on BGDs because they generate massive spikes in donations. A total of $4,539,837 was raised on BGDs in 2022, that's 55%! More nerdy data available if you scroll down to "Historical Stats". 

HOW BGDs WORK: Donors on a BGD are automatically entered into a raffle to win a great incentive prize provided by G!G — one entry per donation. The winner is randomly drawn the next morning. 

Nonprofits are not required to promote every BGD, but you should promote as many as you can because they generate a ton of money. Again, 55% of all donations were on a BGD in 2022. Not every BGD is going to be a good fit for your organization.  If your organization is focused on sobriety, then skip the wine giveaway and double down on the coffee day. Or maybe there's a date conflict with your annual gala. Whatever. Use your best judgement. You do you, boo.


BGD schedule:

Clicking on the images below will take you to that BGDs folder with all its details and marketing assets. 

Things to know:

Historical Stats


This year featured an unprecedented number of Big Give Days to sweeten the pot for donors and make a big impact on giving. A total of $4,539,837 was raised on BGDs, an average of $378,320 each day. 


This year’s getaways, shopping sprees, and cool products made for some very exciting Big Give Days. We awarded 36 prizes. We raised a total of $3.59 million on just nine BGDs. That’s a big increase from 2020!


Some BGDs were so popular, they nearly broke the website! In total, we raised a total of $2,937,542 on BGDs. That's 44% of all giving! It's also a massive increase from 2019 (up by $1,148,131).