9th Grade

  • Keep up your grades and practice good study habits
  • Talk to your guidance counselor or school social worker about:
    • Education plans post high school
    • Taking college prep courses
    • Your high school courses reflecting your career plan
  • Review general college admission requirements
  • Attend College Fairs
  • Begin to think about and talk to your parents about a college financing plan
  • Balance your school work with activities that help you explore your interests, practice time management, learn new skills and contribute to your community
  • If your family vacation takes you near a college, stop and visit to get a feel for a college campus
  • Start your search for scholarships-some are available as early as your 8th & 9th grade years


  • Talk to your child about his or her interest and help match those interests with a college major and career
  • Monitor your child’s grades and arrange tutoring if necessary
  • Continue saving for your child’s college education, www.collegesavings.org
  • Get tips on helping your child with homework and issues of early teen years at www.ed.gov/parents