
A pillar of our foundation is ACCESS. We have a core group of caring professionals which include Administrators, Teachers, Grade Level Coordinators, School Psychologists, Support Staff and Peer Counselors who are committed to providing wellness support for all students in all areas of campus life.  Academic support and intervention is offered during the school day and before and after school through tutoring and boot camps to support all students on campus. The partnership with parents is a cornerstone of our unique model. An example of this partnership is our Magnificent 7 parent groups which include Brahma Boosters, Brahma Foundation, Council of African American Parents, Chinese American Parent Association, Hispanic Organization of Parents and Education, Korean American Parent Association, and South Asian Parent Association. We are so thankful to our parent groups who have given generously to provide important upgrades and resources reinforcing access for all students. 

DBHS Leadership Team 

Left to Right: Jennifer Burns (Instructional Dean), Gabriel Aguilar (Instructional Dean), Mike Bromberg (Operations Manager), David Hong (Principal), Courtney Corona (Assistant Principal), and Nicolle Flores (Instructional Dean).

DBHS Front Office Support Staff 

Carrie Yee 

Admin Assistant

Jolina McCurry

Secretary II

Shawn Tampio

Office Assistant

Patricia Dimas 


Margarette Joun 

Office Assistant

Mingie Han 


Matt Franco

Finance Office

Teresa Burton

Finance Office

Terry Guest 

District Nurse

Evelyn Maldonado 

Health Clerk

Peggy Laine 

Textbook Clerk

Stephanie Maldonado


Jennifer Chung

Attendance Office

Maritza Bernal 

Attendance Office

Grade Level Coordinators

A GLC is a Grade Level Coordinator.  Each grade level has two GLC's that assist each student. Grade Level Coordinators act as parents on campus.  They handle conflicts that may occur with any of the students, they can assist you in what classes to take, what college admission policies are, and most importantly they can give guidance to any student looking for someone to talk to.  Our Grade Level Coordinators are out on campus during Brunch and Lunch and invite students to contact us during this time for any assistance needed. 

Class of 2022: Mr. Desmond and Mrs. Brummett


Class of 2023: Mr. Gonzales and Mrs. Burns


Class of 2024: Mrs. Auten-Zimmerman and Mr. Natividad


Class or 2025: Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Duenas


Pathways Academy: Mrs. Julie Salas

Denise Mesdjian

Wellness Center Coordinator

Wellness Center

The staff at Diamond Bar High School continually strives to be responsive to the educational needs of all of our students. We believe that the physical, emotional, social, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of our students are the foundation of a well-balanced approach to academic success. Additionally, we acknowledge that adolescence can potentially be a challenging time, as well as an advantageous opportunity to positively affect our students' personal and academic functioning.

In order for our students to be effective learners and grow into productive, well-adjusted adults, they must learn how to be more resilient by taking ownership and responsibility for their own wellness. The DBHS Wellness Center will be a safe, nonjudgmental space available for all students who wish to seek additional support and/or access to wellness services, education, and resources. Furthermore, the wellness program will endeavor to develop and evolve to remain responsive to the changing wellness needs and trends of our school community.

School Psychologists 

Stacy Woodward

School Psychologist

Inger Turner

School Psychologist

Tara Lizarraga

School Psychologist

Parents connected to our campus! 

Brahma Boosters - Sheryl Phung

Brahma Foundation - Linda 

Chinese American Parent Association (CAPA) - Brian Lin & Carolyn Woo

Council of African American Parents (CAAP) - Dr. Christina James

Hispanic Organization of Parents and Education (HOPE) - Gloria Tejeda

Korean American Parent Association (KAAP) - Bettina Kim

South Asian Parent Association (SAPA) - Currently Vacant