Parent Tutorials

You have questions, your students have questions, even I might have some questions...yes, this is the most flexible, alternative, differential way of looking at how a student can "get learning"...and it is in BETA testing.  So I will try to answer your most asked questions here and even answer some that you might find pertinent as they come up.

We all have a super power in life and this is where mine lies.  I am a problem solver, and life long learner.  I know I still have lots to learn 


Google Classroom

Getting set up in Google Classroom

If you'd like to be added to Google Classroom as a parent to get weekly email updates, you can follow this tutorial or email me and let me know what type of notifications you would like to have.

Configurar en Google Classroom

Si desea ser agregado a Google Classroom como padre para recibir actualizaciones semanales por correo electrónico, puede seguir este tutorial o enviarme un correo electrónico y dejarme saber qué tipo de notificaciones le gustaría recibir.