Student Resources


Graduating Seniors, your Google Drive is your own portfolio of all the work that you have done in High School, and you can take it with you when you leave us! For the Month of May through Graduation Day, Graduating Seniors can use Google Take-Out to copy their Google Drive to a personal Google Account. WUSD student accounts are deactivated within a few days of graduation, so be sure to do this by graduation day.

This is a very simple and free tool that will copy the emails and Drive files from your school account over to either a personal Gmail account or another G Suite for Education account.

We will be using for this process.

You will need two different Google/Gmail accounts before we begin. One would be a free personal account and the other will be you school account.(

Step 1: Enter a Destination account.

This is the account where you want to copy all your school work to. After you enter the other email account select "Send Code". This will send a verification email to your account to verify that it is you.

In your WUSD email, you should receive an email titled "Verify your account". In that email, your are going to select "Get confirmation code".

This will open a new tab with the confirmation code that you will want to copy.

Step 2: Verify Your Destination Account:

With the confirmation code copied, go back to the Google Takeout Transfer screen, back as your school account (

Go to the section titled "Verify you destination account".

Paste or type your code int he "Enter code" box. Then click thee "Verify" button.

Step 3: Select Content

By default, Drive Files and email will be copied. You can always choose to toggle off either of these if you do not want them both.

When you have selected what you would like to copy, select "Start Transfer".

Your emails and Drive files will now begin copying over to your other account. Depending on how many files you have, it may take up to a week for everything to get copied. You can close out of this window now if you want, because all of the copying is happening on Google's servers.

For more information on the process, here is a blog post from the great Eric Curts that walks through the whole process and then some: You can take it with you! Transfer your Gmail and Drive with Google Takeout for Schools

Materials borrowed for this page were created by the great Eric Curts: