Grading Procedures

Mr. O'Halloran, Woodbridge High School

Grading Policy:

  1. Hand in all assignments (major and minor) completed and on time, whether it is a physical copy, or digital work in Google Classroom, in accordance with how they are assigned.

  2. For each day an assignment is late, you will lose 10 points. After 5 days, the assignment will be given a 0.

  3. Incomplete work will be recorded as an “Incomplete” in Genesis, which translates to a 0.

  4. Any plagiarized assignment will be given a 0. A phone call home will be made, and the assignment cannot be made up, as per District policy.

  5. Assignments scored less than a 50 may be recorded in the gradebook as a 50 at the teacher’s discretion, if there is evidence of effort and an attempt to satisfy all requirements.

  6. Assignments required to be typed must be in MLA format, or they will be marked 5 points off. This includes a proper MLA heading.

  7. Written assignments should be completed in blue or black ink pen only; work completed in pencil will be marked 3 points off.

  8. All work submitted should be done on a clean sheet of paper, free of notes, scribbles, and paper fringe. Otherwise, 3 points will be marked off.

  9. All work submitted through Google Classroom must be made in the assignment to maintain the assignment's name in the doc.