Grading Procedures

[Mr. Thomas Lynch], Woodbridge High School

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Grading follows WHS/District policy:

A+=98-100 A=95-97 A-=92-94

B+=89-91 B=86-88 B-=83-85

C+=80-82 C=77-79 C-=74-76

D+=71-73 D=68-70 D-=65-67

F=64 & below

Major Assessments (tests, major projects/papers) are 50% of each marking period grade. There are less of these and I will let you know which assignments are major.

Minor Assessments (daily class work, quizzes, participation, and classroom conduct) are the other 50% of each marking period grade. Most assignments are minor.

Your final grade for the entire course is calculated by weighing each of the two marking periods (40% for each marking period) and the final exam (20% of the course grade). If you fail two out of any three of these elements (marking period/marking period/final exam) you fail the course. Don't let this happen! Each year of "English" is a requirement for graduation (you'll have to repeat the course if you don't pass it)

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  7. Delete this text box and replace with your newly embedded Twitter feed.