Classroom Expectations

[Mr. Thomas Lynch], Woodbridge High School

Respect is the rule for our class. Follow my directions and we'll all work beautifully together.

Each day will consist of exploring common allusions in the English language, reading some literature (classic and modern), expressing yourself through writing including daily journal entries, and student-directed projects.

Be prepared: use our Google Classroom, bring a notebook and something to write with everyday, focus on our curriculum for the entire class time.

No plagiarism!: research and cite, but don't copy (teachers can easily check).

These rules aren't to hassle you or make your life difficult. They are there to maximize our classroom experience, but also to prepare you to handle situations you will encounter as you enter adult life. Classes and state tests and school tests (believe it or not) eventually come to an end. But real learning doesn't ever have to stop and LIFE GOES ON AFTER WHS! You will soon be in the adult world and you will be accountable and responsible for your own behavior, for working hard, and making making an effort. Our class will prepare you to succeed!

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  7. Delete this text box and replace with your newly embedded Twitter feed.