Block 4 Grade 7 Language Arts

Google Class Code: 2ukjnss


Daily Schedule  Monday - Friday 

                                       Class Meeting Time: 

EXTRA HELP: THURSDAY 7:30 AM By Appointment

Hello and welcome to 7th grade Language Arts!!  I am so excited to have you in my class and I am looking forward to a wonderful year.  Most of our assignments will be found in the Google Classroom.  We are going to have an amazing year of discovery.  We will be traveling and meeting many new people as we read so many incredible stories.  We will be writing on many topics and you will have a chance to be creative. Stay focused, work hard and I promise you that you will have an amazing year in my class!!  

There are 6 Units we will be covering this year.  Please click on the drop down tab above to learn about the different units.