Class Rules

  1. Be respectful

  2. Be on time and ready to learn

  3. Masks MUST be worn at all times and they MUST cover your nose a mouth.

  4. If you have something to say, please raise your hand

  5. NO CELL PHONES - Cell phones will remain in your locker

  6. You will be allowed to use the bathroom AFTER the teacher has presented the lesson and instructions

  7. School I.D. MUST be worn at all times

  8. All class work that is not done during class time must be completed for homework and submitted BEFORE the beginning of class the next day

  9. Come to class PREPARED with a notebook, pen or pencil, and textbook materials

  10. Finish your lunch in the cafeteria - NO FOOD OR DRINKS (besides water) are allowed in the classroom

  11. The most important rule of all - ALWAYS try your best and stay positive