Attend Today Achieve Tomorrow


Avenel Middle School Performance Coaches:

Mrs. Anan, Mrs. Sadowski, Mrs. Oliveira, Mrs. Riggins-Parker, Mrs. Reckhow

Tracking Specialist: Mrs. Miller

District Attendance Regulation - Regulation

District Attendance Policy- Policy

September is National Attendance Month!

Students with exceptions attendance will be rewarded throughout the school year and those who struggle with coming to school will be offered incentives to attend.

If a student is absent 5 days or more the following will occur:

A Performance Coach will contact a parent/Guardian to explain the Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow Program.

A Performance Coach will meet with the student and mentor throughout the year as needed.

Attendance Facts: Why coming to school is important

  • Middle School attendance and GPA provide the best indication of how students will perform in high school.

  • Students who are chronically absent or receiving Fs in the middle grades are at very high risk of being off-track for graduation in ninth grade, and eventually dropping out of school.

  • College readiness depends on very strong grades in middle school, as well as high school.

  • Improving grades and attendance in the middle grades can have a large pay-off for high school success; even more so than improving test scores. (Source: Attendance Works and

  • Children who miss 18 or more days of the school year (2 days a month) starting in kindergarten are less likely to learn to read by third grade and graduate from high school.

  • A student who misses 2 days per month will end up missing 18 days during the school year, and that equals 10% of the school year? This is what is known as “Chronic absenteeism".