
As we embark on our Art journey, there are a few things to be mindful of:

  • Never be afraid to ask questions. I am here to help you.

  • We all have rough days. Teachers included. If you are having a rough day, please let me know. I care about how you are feeling.

  • When I grade your project, I will be looking for the following: Effort (Did you try your hardest and put your all into your work?), Neatness (Did you take your time, or just scribble to get it done?), Following directions (Did you follow the project guidelines?)

  • Sometimes a project may have many steps. It may be spread out over the course of a few classes. I will grade weekly for the step that is assigned for that time as well as a grade for participation.

  • In class, please respect those whom are speaking and raise your hand if you have something you'd like to say or have a question.

  • We are blessed to have a variety of materials to use for Art. They are the school's property. I ask that you use them as they are meant to be used and treat them with care. If you destroy the materials, you will not be able to continue using them.

  • Please use your time wisely. 30 minutes is a short amount of time and we have a lot to accomplish. (Lesson intro/demo, passing out materials, creating our artwork, clean-up and making sure our projects have been collected and placed in our class storage space)

  • The most important expectation of all: Try your hardest and be confident in your work. Take ownership of your Art and be proud of what you do and the effort that you put into it. Have fun creating and experimenting with new ideas and concepts!