Classroom Expectations

Class Rules 

1. Listen and follow directions. 

2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. *Note: ONE person may leave the room at a time, using the log out/in sheet.  

3. Respect your classmates and your teacher(s). 

4. Prioritize: items not pertaining to the lesson and/or subject should be put away. 

5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.  

Class Expectations 

1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 

2. Be prepared with all materials and ready to learn.  

3. Participate. 

4. Put proper heading on all papers. 

5. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher  


6. Complete all of your work and  turn it in on time. 

7. Do your best.

What do I get if I follow class rules? 

Safety is imperative! Your appropriate behavior in class assures everyone of an environment conducive to learning. Some possible rewards for continuous appropriate behavior are intrinsic value (satisfaction of learning), improved skills, verbal praise, positive note to parents, tangible trinkets, candy, and special class activities / privileges such as free time and PBSIS Rewards.  

What are the consequences if I don’t follow class rules?

1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reprimand/reminder to the student.  

2. Loss of special class privileges. 

3. Lunch Detention: short time spent during lunch to contemplate conduct. 

4. Email/Call Home: parent will be contacted. 

5. Referral to Administration: a student will be immediately referred to administration for severe behavior problems.