
As children get older, they must learn to take more responsibility for their own behavior. Behavior is a key factor in our learning environment. Each day the children record and keep track of their own behavior. For our daily behavior we use a point system. Each child will have their own behavior chart on their desk. Each day of the week is on there. They can earn up to 5 points a day. The goal is to get all 5 points for each day. When your child earns a point, I will let them know it is okay to add their point on their chart. If they do not earn a point for that day, I will send a note home in their planner, folder, or on Remind as to why. At the end of the week they can take their chart home. If you do not hear from me, then your child had great behavior. My goal is to create a fun and safe learning environment, and behavior is very important to do so!

Thank you in advance for your support, good behavior is extremely important in your child’s learning! 😊