Grading Procedures

Mr. Petrucelli, Avenel Middle School

Students will be graded on: 

-Daily Participation*




*This class is a performance based course. Students will receive a participation grade each class. Their participation grade will be based on the scale below:

5 = 100 / OUTSTANDING / Prepared for class, fully engaged in the daily activity, helping others around them, shows support of fellow classmates

4 = 95 / EXCELLENT / Prepared for class, engaged in daily activitites, shows support, participates most of the time

3 = 75 / GOOD / Not fully prepared for class, participates only when asked, little engagement, disruptive behavior

2 = 70 / OKAY / Not prepared for class, little to no participation in class activities, disruptive behavior

1 = 65 / NO PARTICIPATION / Not prepared for class, no participation, disruptive behavior

All submitted student work will receive a minimum score of 50, unless determined by the teacher that little or no effort was made by the student, in which case a lower numerical mark may be given and recorded. 

If work is not submitted the value earned will be a 0.

The numerical average of major and minor assignments will be graded according to the following scale:

A+ = 98-100 A = 95-97 A- = 92-94

B+ = 89-91 B = 86-88 B- = 83-85

C+ = 80-82 C = 77-79 C- = 74-76

D+ = 71-73 D = 68-70 D- = 65-67

F = 64 and Below

(A mark of 65 or higher shall constitute a passing mark.)

In addition to the scale above, the following marks may also appear on the report card:

P - Pass

I - Incomplete

E - Withdrawn, failing

J - Withdrawn, passing

L - Loss of Credit

X - Probation