Classroom Expectations

Mr. Petrucelli, Avenel Middle School

In their Theatre Arts class, students will be exploring various theatrical elements. Each student will engage in ensemble building, creative expression, and the exploration of theatre history.

It is expected that every student:

Participate daily to the best of their ability

Respect everyone around them

Be supportive of fellow classmates as we explore the art of performance


Class agenda:

Daily warm-up/Attendance

Review past lesson/Overview of the day's lesson

Engage in daily activity

Cool down/Reflection/Feedback

What you need for class:

Folder (Kept organized with class handouts/notes)

Journal (Can be a physical journal, or you may keep an ongoing digital document)


Google Classroom

Plagiarism - For any work that is plagiarized the following will take place:
For the first plagiarism offense: A meeting with guidance, the teacher, and the student will take place. The parent/guardian will be notified and it will be expected that the assignment be redone; however, the highest value to be earned after plagiarism is a 74.
Subsequent offenses of plagiarism will require a meeting with the parent/guardian and the assignment will receive a 0.
Finally, any further situation involving cheating will result in a mark of zero.