Miss Davidson, Student Assistance Counselor

What is the Student Assistance Counselor (SAC)?

A Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) assists students with any personal issue that negatively impacts their learning and/ or emotional development. The SAC meets with students on an individual or small group basis to help them develop coping skills and solve problems.

SACs provide support and confidential counseling for students and families to support issues such as:

  • Substance Use and Misuse

  • Mental Health Concerns

  • Adjustment and Transition

  • Family Dynamics

  • Friendship/Relationship Dynamics

  • Gender and Sexuality

  • Eating Disorders

  • Loss/Grief

SACs can help students and families find appropriate supports and community resources, such as therapists, rehabilitation and treatment facilities.

Referrals can be made by the students themselves, staff, parents/guardians or other concerned individuals. Referrals made to SACs and any subsequent information gathered remains confidential.

Weekly Schedule:

Colonia Middle - Monday/ Tuesday

CMS Counseling Google class code: ask for it!

Woodbridge Middle - Wednesday

WMS Counseling Google class code: ask for it!

Avenel Middle - Thursday/ Friday

AMS Counseling Google class code: ask for it!

Contact Information :

Jessica Davidson, SAC

Twitter - @MissDavidsonSAC
