Grading Policy

WTSD Grading Scale

As per district policy, as long as work is completed on time and effort is shown, students will never receive less than a 50 on an assignment. 

Late Work: Students will lose 5 points for each day an assignment is late up to 2 weeks. After 2 weeks (10 school days), all late assignments will be given a 50. Missing work will be given a 0. Students are responsible for letting me know via the late work submission google form on Google Classroom when they have turned in/completed a LATE assignment that has already been checked and graded. I will not recheck and grade if I am not notified of submission. All late assignments that are turned in will be graded after I review and grade all assignments that were submitted on time.

Homework Policy: Work that is not completed in class will become homework. In addition, Language Arts students only (not Graphic Novels students) will receive a short passage and questions weekly on Monday that will be due on Friday. This will be a completion grade (100% for completing and turning in on time). Students will have occasional projects/larger assignments. These will be in place of the weekly passage, not in addition to it.

Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism or cheating on an assignment will result in a meeting with student, parents/guardians, teacher, guidance and/or administration and a grade of no higher than 74% (C-) after redoing on first offense and an automatic 0% on subsequent offenses.

Some examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

*Plagiarism is not limited to written work. It can include projects, oral reports, pictures, music, art, etc. Do not submit anything that is not your own original work.