Class Information 

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic." ~J.K. Rowling

All assignments, reminders, and messages will be posted in Google Classroom. You are expected to complete work neatly and on time.

This class is a safe space where all participants can freely share their opinions and beliefs. It is okay to not know, to make mistakes, and to have differing opinions. It is NOT okay to raise your voice, call others names, or be disrespectful. While you may not agree with everyone's thoughts, you will be expected to be respectful when responding to them. 

With that in mind, these are the rules for our classroom:

1. We will be punctual and prepared for class.

2. We will be respectful and kind to one another. 

3. We will always be diligent, try our best, and ask for help if we need it.