How do I join google classroom?

Your teacher has invited you to the google classroom, please accept the invite and you will be in the classroom.

How can I contact the teacher for academic help?

Please check office hours for each block. These are posted on the google classroom banner for each class and are also available on the calendar section of the website. I will be available through the google class meet link that will be posted on your google classroom during my office hours.


How do I get tech help with logins, chromebooks or wifi?

Please email your guidance counselor if you have any issue with the chromebook and log in. They will direct you to the tech help for your grade level.

Where do I find assignments and materials?

Where can I find weekly and monthly schedules?

Please check genesis student and parent portal to see your class schedule.

Genesis Link

What will my child need for this course?

Classroom Expectations

Please fill out Parent Survey on this page.