Farewell Class of 2020

A Tribute to our Seniors from the Junior Class & CHS Family

30 - Hall of Fame (Instrumental).mp3

Press play as you view our farewell messages.

Although we have all felt the effects of this pandemic, no one has felt it as deeply as our seniors. As underclassmen and a CHS family, we would like to show our seniors how much they have meant to all of us. We created this website to send a message to our seniors as they approach their graduation and move on to the next phase of their life.

A message from our CHS administration to the Senior Class...

Mr. Pace


Stay strong and believe seniors. We have yet to "finish what we started." Be proud of all that you have accomplished - as we are of you.

More to come...

Mr. Panko


Congratulations to the class of 2020. It has been a joy to watch you all grow over the last four years. I once heard that, "progress does not travel in a straight line. It zigs and zags in fits and starts." Go out into the world with confidence and know that you are prepared to meet any challenges that your travels may bring. Most importantly, may you find joy in what do. Much respect.

Mrs. Murphy


Four years have gone by so quickly, and now it's time to start your next phase in life. Don't focus on what you have lost, but what you have gained. Strength and resilience! Know that you have the courage to be anything that you want to be, and most of all, YOU GOT THIS!

Mrs. Liguori

Math Supervisor


Mrs. DiChiara

English Supervisor

Good luck...

Mr. Atzbi

History/Science Supervisor

& Farewell Class of 2020!

Mr. Lasala

Athletic Director

Best wishes and good luck in your future!

A message from the Junior Officers & Ms. Davison to the Senior Class...

Roksana Najar

Congratulations Class of 2020! On behalf of the whole Junior class, we wish you all the best in your futures. Never give up and live every day like it is your last!

Harrison Brindley

Congratulations to each and every one of you! Thank you for introducing us into the school and taking us under your wing for the past three years. Your impact on all of us is immense. The junior class wishes you nothing but the best!

Sherrie Manalo

Congratulations Senior Class! You've finally made it and these past few years have been worth the wait. Hope that life takes you to new adventures and you have fun while doing it! Best of luck!

Andrew Lukaszewski

Congratulations Seniors! Thank you for everything you've done for us from making us feel welcome at Colonia High School to being our best friends. Good luck to all of you in the future and strive for success!

Gabriela Matos

Congratulations seniors! Thank you for being such great role models over the past few years. You've all meant more to us than you'll ever know. Good luck in your future, we will miss you!

Jack Reilly

Congratulations Class of 2020! Thank you for welcoming us into Colonia High School and being the leaders you are. We wish you nothing but the best in your futures. Good luck, we'll miss you!

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Kerri Lishak

Congratulations seniors! I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to build lifelong friendships over the past three years. Thank you for being such amazing role models. Best wishes as you move onto the next chapter of your life!

Ms. Davison

Junior Class Advisor

Congratulations Class of 2020! If I was lucky enough I was once your teacher and advisor. I stand with you as you embark on this new journey in life. Always know that while the situation may look different, a few things have remained the same: Your teachers love you, your family supports you, and your home will always be CHS. Good luck with all of your future plans, and most importantly, I trust you will find a way to make the world a better place.

A message from the Class of 2020 Advisors to the Senior Class...

Ms. Dsouza

Senior Class Advisor

Class of 2020! It has been my privilege to be your Senior Class Advisor and teacher to many.

As a graduate during 9/11, I can sympathize with you. I know this is not what you imagined nor will forget. So allow your feelings to be, but do not let this distract you from all your accomplishments during these past four years. From making the Allstate Orchestra to State Sectional finals-be proud of yourselves!

Life is not always y=mx+b (linear) - so let this detour add resiliency to your character, continue to commit to your goals and let these two elements fuel you to become a responsible part of your community.

Best of luck and congratulations Graduates of 2020!

Congrats Seniors - Greene - CATHLEEN GREENE.webm

Ms. Greene

Senior Class Advisor

Seniors - Congratulations on your many accomplishments! I've taught some of you, coached some of you, and worked with some of you. All of you should be proud of how you have handled our recent tough times. Good luck to all and keep working hard!

Mrs. Blash

Fundraising Advisor

Dear Class of 2020,
Our time together didn’t end quite the way we thought it would. I enjoyed making so many different memories with you this year. Some of my favorite times with this class came during the painting of our parking lot, fixing the vandalism, Senior Sunrise breakfast, fall Block 3 PE Volleyball, and Powder Puff. I graduated from high school 18 years ago, the year most of you were born. My senior year of high school 9/11 happened, it was a scary time of uncertainty as well. I remember the world around me seemingly falling apart and scared of what came next. I focused on the goals, I had set for myself after high school through those uncertain times. People will never forget 9/11 just like this time in our lives will never be forgotten by many. Your class will be remembered for just the same. Although you will not have the traditional rights of passage of a senior in high school, this adversity in a time of uncertainty you face now will make you that much stronger in your future. This time provides you with a lesson of further understanding that life as beautiful as it is , is not guaranteed or what we always expect it to be. They say hindsight is 2020 but do not dwell on what has been lost. Your perseverance through this tough time will help you shine brightly in your future. The vision is clear for you Class of 2020 and you are destined for great things. I wish you nothing but the best in the future! Always feel welcome to comeback and say hi!

Love, Mrs. Blash

Mrs. Mercado

Prom Advisor

Congratulations to the class of 2020! I will never forget this year, or all of you. Celebrate your accomplishments and good luck with with your future ahead!

Mrs. Miller

Prom Advisor

Congratulations Class of 2020!

Hutch 2020 Farewell - DANIEL HUTCHINSON.MOV

Mr. Hutchinson

Student Council Advisor