
In January 2019, Twin Valley MHS launched its Wildcat Innovators Learning Dynamically (WILD) program.

WILD begins with a week long immersive experience between semesters in January, based on college J-term models, continuing one day every two weeks (11 sessions total) through May and culminating in a community showcase/presentations of final projects.

I&I Task Model

Document provided by the AoE giving examples of how you can assess Informed and Integrative thinking; served as a jumping off point for teachers' Professional Learning Communities (PLC) meeting weekly all year.

I & I Task Model.pdf
I & I rubric.docx

I&I Rubric

Rubric provided by AoE for proficiency based grading of Informed & Integrative Thinking. Used by cross-disciplinary Teacher PLCs for calibration on student work from our regular classes, which prepared us to assess I&I consistently in J-term.


the I & I Standard

Template for Teacher PLCs to help design learning goals for J-term sessions.

Unpacking the I & IT Standard