Austausch (Exchange)

Looking for Exchange Program 2023/2024 information? All information is shared via email and collected in the "2024 Dante/SHMS Exchange Program" Google Classroom. *This will move to Schoology in January 2024. Ask your traveler for access to the Google Classroom or email Frau Shipeck with any questions! 

All photos by S. Shipeck, 2018-2019.

Strath Haven Middle School has a long-standing relationship with the Dante Gymnasium in Munich, Germany. 8th grade German students have the opportunity to host a visiting student from Munich and to visit that student as well. This program is a direct exchange, which means that it is organized by the partner teachers and facilitated by the host families. Students will be able to experience daily life as an 8th grader in another country, as well as take part in cultural and linguistic immersion. This enriching opportunity is a chance for students to develop as cultural ambassadors and make lifelong friends!  Don't just take it from me:

"I really hope the seventh and sixth graders will end up going on the exchange. This was a really nice experience that I would recommend to almost everyone and the teachers involved did amazing jobs helping students adjust once in Germany." - Roland, '23 participant

Interested? Participation is determined by application. Student engagement in and dedication to German is considered, as well as readiness/suitability (determined via reflective essay prompts). Please see the detailed prerequisite requirements below. 

Students who wish to participate must:

***In a typical program year, the German students visit us in October and we travel to Germany in May. Accepted students participate in the "German Travelers Club" orientation program (meeting roughly 1x/month) to prepare to host and travel. 

The program cost has historically been ~$1600-2200 (paid in installments throughout the year) and includes flight to/from Germany, participation in the hosting field trip to New York (including lunch and admission to selected activities), and group activities in Munich. Price is subject to change based on inflation/economic circumstances.

More student testimonials: 

What was your favorite part of hosting an exchange student?
I did have two exchange students, and being their tour guide and friend at the same time was fun. - Vivian, 23 
Seeing his reactions to American culture. - Roland, '23
I liked connecting and learning more about my exchange student. - 8th grader, '23
Showing her all the things that are normal for me but exciting for her - Line, '23
About more German culture and about good hospitality - Lucas, '23 

What's something you learned from hosting an exchange student?
I learned that language is the only difference between us. - Vivian, '23
That the exchange students were fascinated by Walmart. - Roland, '23
Culture differences and being patient - Line, '23
That not all new experiences will be comfortable. - 8th grader, '23
One can never be prepared for EVERYTHING. - Maeve, '23 

What's something you learned by being an exchange student to Germany and living in a host family?
"I learned about all of the German culture and especially Turkish culture as my host family was Turkish. They fed me all of their favorite Turkish dishes and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was there." - Lucas, '23
"I also learned that Munich and Bavaria as a whole has an incredibly rich history. " - Roland, '23
"Don't be afraid to ask for help. " - 8th grader, 23
"How to be a good guest but also advocate for myself" - Sophie, '23 

What happened to the exchange when travel was not possible? The 20/21 "German Travelers' Club" ran as a club open to any interested 8th grader who wanted a virtual pen pal from the Dante Gymnasium! In 21/22, the 8th Grade German Class had pen pals from the Dante Gymnasium.