Student Exemplars

Drone Dance 2016.mp4

Student quotes about Dispatches:

“Overall, I think that my class’s dance, Blue Sky Days, has been one of my favorite dances I have done in all my time at Reynolds,” wrote RJ Reynolds dance student Beatrice Howell in her end-of-semester reflection.

“Every dance needs inspiration, and Tomas Van Houtryve and his work with drones were exactly what our class was looking for. Once a choreographer and dancer find inspiration, one must focus on the process of selecting, creating, and performing a powerful piece,” wrote Reynolds student Jordan Stroupe.

Student quotes about Placing Identity and Signs of Your Identity

“I think that hearing the interviewees give their perspectives was the most interesting part of this whole process,” one student wrote.

“I enjoyed learning about Daniella's endeavors as a photojournalist,” another added. She was very inspiring.”

“The information we learned was very shocking, especially so close to home,” a student concluded. “It gave me a wake-up call.”

Student quotes about “Weaving Connections"

We got to see Winston completely different than we did before,” says RJ Reynolds student Joyner Gross in Weaving Connections.

“I would have never thought that all these things were right in front of me and now I’m kind of open to them and now I see that there are so many remnants of this industry that used to be here and there are so many ways that it affects us,” adds her classmate Nupur Shah.

“A really cool part of this experience has been learning about our town and part of our history back in the day but also getting visited by reporters,” says Reynolds student Emily Youssef at the conclusion of the film. ”It was really cool when Jason Motlagh came and spoke to us. That really inspired me because you can really see the kind of impact that journalism can make.”