Demand #8

Launch a Mentor Program for Multilingual Learner Students

Group Members

Maeve Poleman - Action Team Lead, WSD Adult

      Albina Rai - Action Team Lead, WSD Youth

                       Mohamed Diop - WSD Leadership

                  Francine Bahati - WSD Adult

                                                                                                                                   Safia Hajj - WSD Adult  

                                                                                                                                Mea Ree Jan - WSD Youth

                   Ryan Farran - Community Member

             Anis Memon - Community Member 


June 2023

Year summary: This team has done incredible work this year, creating a handbook for multilingual mentorship program policies, as well as securing an $7,500 grant from Mentor Vermont to help with funding a Multilingual Mentor Coordinator position. They ran into obstacles when the legal team took several months to review the handbook before it could be approved, as well as the fact that there was not funding specifically designated for this position in the current ARSC and Action teams budget. The approved FY24 budget does not include funds for this position for the upcoming school year.  

May 2023

The team continues to work on securing funding for a Multilingual Mentor Coordinator position, with plans to meet with the school board to determine how to make this possible for the upcoming school year. 

April 2023

The team has made the recommended edits to the mentor handbook that they created. They are awaiting decisions from the administrative team about funding the position of Multilingual Mentorship Program Coordinator for the upcoming school year.

Mar. 2023

The team has encountered two roadblocks: securing funding for the Program Coordinator position, and approval of the mentorship handbook that they created. Their next step is to connect with area schools that have existing mentor programs, to learn about their successful processes of implementation. They are also planning on meeting with the administration to share youth testimonials of why a Winooski Multilingual Youth-specific program would be the best fit, rather than a program that serves all local youth. If you would like to express your support of the creation of this program, and/or share a testimonial about why mentorship is important to you, please contact Action Team Leader Maeve Poleman at

Feb. 2023

The group presented a 2023-2024 funding plan for the position of Multilingual Learners Mentoring Director to the steering committee for their feedback. In the plan, they stated that they anticipate recruiting between 5-10 community members to begin working with students from a pool of up to 50 elementary, middle, and high school students. The steering committee had concerns about part of the director’s salary coming from fundraising, and will be meeting with the board and administration to address these concerns. 

May 2022

This group has finished their handbook. They have been working with Mentor Vermont who can provide training and technical assistance. They created a job description and are hoping to hire a program coordinator once funding is secured. 

Apr. 2022

Discussed Logic Model from the Theory of Change Template that MentorVermont asked us to create. Next step is to complete the Theory of Change Template and send both to Mentor Vermont. 

Edited the job description for our future Program Director, Kirsten will talk to Nicole Mace and Sarah Haven about salary for this position. 

Mar. 2022

Review of Mentor Vermont program & application 

Discuss decision process

Review liability concerns about handbook

Next Steps 

Jan. 2022

They’ve continued recruiting mentors and identifying students interested in the program. They wrote a vision statement and are going through policies to include in their handbook. The school lawyer will look over it once they have a draft. They would also like to organize anti-bias, anti-racist, and student's rights trainings for mentors.

Dec. 2021

They continued working on the program handbook, mentor and mentee recruitment, and planning trainings for mentors. 

Nov. 2021

They recruited fifteen mentors. They will be working on writing up a program handbook that will have to be reviewed by legal consultants and the school's insurance company. They created a mentee interest survey. They would also like to organize anti-bias, anti-racist, and student's rights trainings for mentors.

Oct. 2021

This Action Demand Group attended an orientation by the Antiracism Steering Committee on Oct. 4, 2021. 

This group plans to meet on the third Tuesday of each month. They are working on recruiting youth.

They worked on identifying students who don’t have mentors and prioritizing them based on interest and needs. They are planning on connecting with local mentoring agencies for long-term planning and recruiting mentors.