Vision & Actions

The Winooski School Board has committed the district to a vision of equity and antiracism.

The pages below provide information about actions happening around the district to realize this vision. Remember to visit the Community Engagement page to learn about opportunities for you to get involved as well.

This page includes the language of the Winooski Students for Antiracism (WSA) demands as well as transparent status updates about where each demand is in the process. It also includes information about the work of the WSD Antiracism Steering Committee.

This page provides detail about the district's shift toward Restorative Justice, including a timeline for implementation and information about the Youth Participatory Action Research team helping the district make the transition.

This page outlines the professional learning happening around the district to transform teaching and learning in the district to ensure it is grounded in anti-racist and anti-bias curriculum and pedagogy, guided by the WSA demands.

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