Nuts and Bolts

Welcome students, parents, and teachers. This is Mr. Hatch’s World History Website. You can find assignments, link to my online course content, link to tests, or join in with the class discussions.

Classroom Rules:

Discipline / Behavior Policy: Two Rivers and District Dress Code, Phone and Device Policies, Behavioral Policies will be enforced. Success of the students, teacher, and the class will be great with a high level of self-discipline. When you discipline yourself, no one else has to. Every student has the right to be in an environment where they can learn and be successful, and can learn from mistakes without being embarrassed or humiliated. I have the right to teach and students have the right to learn. Respect - Respect - Respect?

Classroom Rules:

  • Drinks with a screw-on lid are allowed.
  • No food allowed.
  • Bonus Points will be awarded and lost at the discretion of the teacher. More than 4 absences may result in a loss of all bonus points. Inappropriate language and behavior may also result in a loss of bonus points.
  • Cheating will result in an automatic "F" on the work in question. Cheating involves plagiarism, or claiming someone else’s work as your own, copying someone else’s work, etc. Students who lend work to help a student cheat will result in the same consequence.
  • Students are expected to take care of bathroom, phone, and other personal needs during breaks. 2 hall passes will be issued each mini-term. Leaving class beyond that may result in a loss of partial or all participation points. (Unused hall passes may be used as bonus points.)
  • BE polite and respectful, BE on task, DON’T do anything that will jeopardize your future!

My Connect:

Safely subscribe to the Weber School District My Connect Text and E-mail updates and reminder messages for this course.

Google Classroom & Google Site/Blog:

Google Classroom: Some class curriculum may be presented through Google Classroom at You can sign in with your account. Use the code 8bvei3 to join Mr. Hatch’s World Civilizations Google Classroom for Mini-Term 1.

Daily Blog - Google Site:

What will we learn:

Scope and Sequence 2014 - 2015

Utah State CORE Curriculum (2016 Version) (World History - pgs. 31-39)

Utah CORE Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History / Social Studies 6-12 (pgs. 59-66)

Textbooks: Our valuable books should remain in the classroom. Copies may be made as needed.