All-Seeing Eye

Welcome students, parents, and teachers. This is Mr. Hatch’s World Civilizations / History Website. You can find assignments, link to my online course content, link to tests, or join in with the class discussions.

Welcome to Mini-Term 8 (Week 5) 13 May - 17 May 2019 - Senior Check-Out is Monday May 20th.

Wednesday, 16 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it." George Bernard Shaw1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"Ask yourself if you are happy, and you will cease to be so." John Stuart Mill1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"Happiness makes up it height for what it lacks in length." Robert Frost1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response

Monday, 13 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"What is happiness? The feeling that power increase - that resistance is overcome." Friedrich Nietzche1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Welcome to Mini-Term 8 (Week 3) 6 May - 10 May 2019

Friday, 10 May 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 10 May 1869 - First Transcontinental Railroad Is Completed - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. What happened at Promontory Summit, Utah?2. Describe the difference between the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroads.3. To whom should we give credit? Owners? Workers? Chinese? Irish?4. How did the Transcontinental Railroad change the US?5. What do you think about the 150th Anniversary?
BIg Boy 4014 and the Living Legend 844

In The News:

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"Someone has well said, "Success is a journey, not a destination." Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road." Robert R. Updegraff1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness." Benjamin Franklin 1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"Planning for happiness is rarely successful. Happiness just happens." Robert Half1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Happiness -

"We never enjoy perfect happiness' our most fortunate successes are mingled with sadness; some anxieties always perplex the reality of our satisfaction." Pierre Cornelle1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Welcome to Mini-Term 8 (Week 2) 29 April - 3 May 2019

Friday, 3 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Achievement -

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance." Bruce Barton1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Work on ROUGH DRAFT of Assignment from Friday: Ta Moko - "Facebook" Maori Style

Assignment: Maori Society and Tribal Organization/Traditions and Terms W borksheet

Use the following links to help you with finding these terms:

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Achievement -

"Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best." Theodore Isaac Rubin1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish Assignment: Subject Matter Experts

Choose five of the following topics (first come first choose) and become our expert on the topic. When we encounter your topic in our reading of the book The Whale Rider, we will ask you to provide background knowledge to help us understand the importance of that topic in our study of the Maori and other Polynesian history.

Subject Matter Cards Example (Do Five)

4 x 6 Note Card Assignment: Put your name, date, and period on the card. On the front of the note card will be four sections. First, write notes on information about your topic. Make sure you do a thorough job covering your topic (You are the EXPERT). Second, a section called My Thoughts and Connections – connect to current or historical events and include your thoughts and opinions. Third, include Important Names, Dates, and Words. Fourth, connections to other Polynesian Cultures – Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, etc.

On the back of the note card will be four sections. First, a section called – Key Points for the Presentation. Second, answer the question – How does this topic relate to Maori history? Third, site your sources. Fourth attach a picture.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Achievement -

"There are two things to aim for in life.: first to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second." Logan Smith
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish Assignment: Subject Matter Experts

Choose five of the following topics (first come first choose) and become our expert on the topic. When we encounter your topic in our reading of the book The Whale Rider, we will ask you to provide background knowledge to help us understand the importance of that topic in our study of the Maori and other Polynesian history.

Subject Matter Cards Example (Do Five)

4 x 6 Note Card Assignment: Put your name, date, and period on the card. On the front of the note card will be four sections. First, write notes on information about your topic. Make sure you do a thorough job covering your topic (You are the EXPERT). Second, a section called My Thoughts and Connections – connect to current or historical events and include your thoughts and opinions. Third, include Important Names, Dates, and Words. Fourth, connections to other Polynesian Cultures – Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, etc.

On the back of the note card will be four sections. First, a section called – Key Points for the Presentation. Second, answer the question – How does this topic relate to Maori history? Third, site your sources. Fourth attach a picture.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Achievement -

"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!" Andrew Carnegie
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Subject Matter Experts

Choose five of the following topics (first come first choose) and become our expert on the topic. When we encounter your topic in our reading of the book The Whale Rider, we will ask you to provide background knowledge to help us understand the importance of that topic in our study of the Maori and other Polynesian history.

Subject Matter Cards Example (Do Five)

4 x 6 Note Card Assignment: Put your name, date, and period on the card. On the front of the note card will be four sections. First, write notes on information about your topic. Make sure you do a thorough job covering your topic (You are the EXPERT). Second, a section called My Thoughts and Connections – connect to current or historical events and include your thoughts and opinions. Third, include Important Names, Dates, and Words. Fourth, connections to other Polynesian Cultures – Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, etc.

On the back of the note card will be four sections. First, a section called – Key Points for the Presentation. Second, answer the question – How does this topic relate to Maori history? Third, site your sources. Fourth attach a picture.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Achievement -

"An uninspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes." Sri Chinmoy
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment from Friday: Ta Moko - "Facebook" Maori Style

Creation story and the origin of many Maori customs/traditions - The Maori Creation Story - The Whakapapa (Genealogy) of the Maori

Welcome to Mini-Term 8 (Week 1) 22 April - 26 April 2019

Friday, 26 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Character -

"A man's true estate of power and riches is to be in himself; not in his dwelling or position or external relations, but in his own essential character." Henry Ward Beecher
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Tattoos were used to punish, dehumanize, but also beautify and embellish. They were used for the sense of giving power and magic and even for medicinal or therapeutic purposes. The Picts and Celts believed the magical icons would bring power and magic, the horse society of Asia, the Scythian used tattoos to show status and their accomplishments. Otzi the Iceman used his tattoos as therapy for joint pain, much like acupuncture.

Assignment: Ta Moko - "Facebook" Maori Style

Creation story and the origin of many Maori customs/traditions - The Maori Creation Story - The Whakapapa (Genealogy) of the Maori

Helpful Ta Moko Designs -

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Character -

"Our world is college, events are teachers, happiness in the graduation point, character is the diploma." Newell Dwight Hillis
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: People Illustrated Article Assignment

Pre-Reading - Reading Text Impressions Assignment

Look at these terms - What are your predictions about the story? Go through each word and try to predict what the relationship from one word to the next is. Define the terms. What impressions do you have about the word.

By doing this, the idea is that you know some of the difficult vocabulary in the text and it will help you come up with many of the concepts before we even read the article. You will be surprised how close you get to the concepts in the article just by doing the pre-reading assignment. The Text Impressions Learning Strategy

Read the Article - People Illustrated - In Antiquity Tattoos Could Beautify, Shock, or Humiliate.

People Illustrated Reading Guide

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Character -

"The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit - a reputation, character." John D. Rockefeller
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Subject Matter Experts

Choose five of the following topics (first come first choose) and become our expert on the topic. When we encounter your topic in our reading of the book The Whale Rider, we will ask you to provide background knowledge to help us understand the importance of that topic in our study of the Maori and other Polynesian history.

Subject Matter Cards Example (Do Five)

4 x 6 Note Card Assignment: Put your name, date, and period on the card. On the front of the note card will be four sections. First, write notes on information about your topic. Make sure you do a thorough job covering your topic (You are the EXPERT). Second, a section called My Thoughts and Connections – connect to current or historical events and include your thoughts and opinions. Third, include Important Names, Dates, and Words. Fourth, connections to other Polynesian Cultures – Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, etc.

On the back of the note card will be four sections. First, a section called – Key Points for the Presentation. Second, answer the question – How does this topic relate to Maori history? Third, site your sources. Fourth attach a picture.

Whale Rider Expert Group Assignment.pdf
Subject Matter Expert Cards Template_Whale Rider Version.pdf

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Character -

"You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence." Abraham Lincoln
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

Assignment: Subject Matter Experts

Choose five of the following topics (first come first choose) and become our expert on the topic. When we encounter your topic in our reading of the book The Whale Rider, we will ask you to provide background knowledge to help us understand the importance of that topic in our study of the Maori and other Polynesian history.

Subject Matter Cards (Do Five)

4 x 6 Note Card Assignment: Put your name, date, and period on the card. On the front of the note card will be four sections. First, write notes on information about your topic. Make sure you do a thorough job covering your topic (You are the EXPERT). Second, a section called My Thoughts and Connections – connect to current or historical events and include your thoughts and opinions. Third, include Important Names, Dates, and Words. Fourth, connections to other Polynesian Cultures – Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, etc.

On the back of the note card will be four sections. First, a section called – Key Points for the Presentation. Second, answer the question – How does this topic relate to Maori history? Third, site your sources. Fourth attach a picture.

Whale Rider Expert Group Assignment.pdf
Subject Matter Expert Cards Template_Whale Rider Version.pdf

Monday, 22 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Character -

"A man's treatment of money is the most decisive test of hist character - how he makes it and how he spends it." James Moffatt
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment - Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Assignment: Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 5/3 and the second is due before 5/17), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to Pacific Islander / Polynesian history - New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, etc. See the handout below.

Current Event Assignment

END of Mini-Term 7

Mini-Term 7 (Week 4) 15 April - 18 April 2019

Thursday, 18 April 2019

No Daily Journal

Finish Assignment: Ancient African Kingdoms PowerPoint Presentation Project

Finish Presentations need to be presented tomorrow!

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Courage -

"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory" Herbert Kaufman
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish Assignment: Ancient African Kingdoms PowerPoint Presentation Project

Presentations need to be presented tomorrow!

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Courage -

"Courage consists of equality to the problem before us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish Assignment: Ancient African Kingdoms PowerPoint Presentation Project

Presentations need to be presented tomorrow!

Monday, 15 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Courage -

"Courage and perseverance are a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into thin air." John Quincy Adams
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Ancient African Kingdoms PowerPoint Presentation Project

Welcome Back! Hope you had a great break.

Mini-Term 7 (Week 3) 8 April - 12 April 2019

Friday, 12 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Courage -

"Success in never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts." George F. Tilton
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Ancient African Kingdoms PowerPoint Presentation Project

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 11 April 1979 - Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin Overthrown - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. Who was Idi Amin?2. Describe how Amin ruled Uganda.3. Describe the genocide that occurred.4. How did his rule come to an end?5. What patterns are you noticing in the rise of modern African nations?
Idi Amin -,_self-bestowed_titles_and_media_portrayal

Wednesday, 11 April 2019

Daily Journal - "Analyze the Political Cartoon". We do this to bring current events into the class discussion and to practice the skill of inference. Answer the following questions for the cartoon:

1. List the objects or people you see in the cartoon.2. Describe any symbolism or metaphors.3. Analyze the effects of any distortions, stereotypes, or caricatures.4. Identify any words and their effects on the meaning of the cartoon. 5. How does this political cartoon relate to history or current events?6. What biases and perspectives are represented in this viewpoint.7. Summarize what you believe is the author's intended message. 8. Critique and evaluate - What are your thoughts about the cartoon?Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Title: Omar Al BashirHelpful Websites -

Omar Al Bashir -

Darfur Genocide -

Janjaweed -

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 9 April 1953 - Jomo Kenyatta Jailed for Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. Who was Jomo Kenyatta?2. Describe the Mau Mau Uprisind.3. Describe how Kenya gained its independence from British Rule.4. How is this similar to South Africa and Nelson Mandela?
Mau Mau Uprising - In the News - White Owned Land in South Africa - Reparations for Slavery Here in America -
Pictures: Jomo Kenyatta and the Mau Mau Uprising in KenyaNelson Mandela and the end of Apartheid in South Africa

Monday, 8 April 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." David Lloyd George
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Assignment - Make-up day - Please try to finish your chapter work and map assignment from last week. We will move on tomorrow.

Mini-Term 7 (Week 2) 25 March - 29 March 2019

Spring Break: Have a great Spring Break! Hope to see you back, for sure, on Monday, April 8th. We will continue learning about the Ancient African civilizations and then finish learning about some of the modern African issues and events.

Don't forget to work on your extra credit assignment over the long week; watch some movies! Be entertained and hopefully educated as well. Enjoy!

Africa Historical Movies Extra Credit Assignment

Story Line Worksheet - for movie summary notes.


Friday, 29 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 29 March 1879 - British Defeat 20,000 Zulus at Kambula - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. What was the outcome of the Zulu war?2. What European nations were involved?3. Describe what happened to the Zulu Kings.4. What happened in 1910?5. What do you think about the Zulu and Boer Wars?
Anglo - Zulu Wars -
Anglo - Boer Wars "Dutch Farmers" -
The Zulu Warrior Folk song that references this time period. What do you think about this song? How does it affect the way we think about the Zulu warrior and Zulu society?Josef Marais sings South African traditional folk ballads and original songs. This is one of fifteen tunes from an early album set of 78 rpm records on the DECCA label, released in 1946.

Finish: African Countries Map

Part 1 - Use the following modern Africa Countries Map Key to fill out your blank African Countries Map.

Part 2 - Using the following links and maps in the textbook - Identify where the following ancient African kingdoms were located on the map. Identify, label, and draw the general location of each kingdom and outline each with dark colors.

Use your book (maps on page 291, 281, ) and the following map to help you find these kingdoms and place them on the map.

Pre-Colonial Africans Kingdoms/Empires

List of Pre-Colonial African Kingdoms

Eatern African Kingdoms:Aksum (Axum) - PinkSwahili - Purple
Western Aftrican Kingdoms:Ghana - Light OrangeMali - YellowSonghai - AquamarineEtheopia - Light BlueBenin - Light PurpleHausa - Peach/Salmon
Central and Southern Africa:Kongo (Congo) - Light BrownBantu Migrations and Great Zimbabwe - GreyMutapa - Lime Green
North African Kingdoms:Carthage - GreenEgyptian - TanNubia or Kush - BlackWakanda - Dark Blue J/K

This has biases etc.; it is a blog - but I kind of chose it because it is soooo pro-Africa - interesting perspective, maybe not totally accurate historically or at least some would disagree, but interesting.

Part 3 - "Scramble for Africa" - The occupation, division, and colonization of the African continent by European powers during the New Imperialism Era, between 1881 and 1914.

Use the map at - Scramble for Africa on Wikipedia to lightly color your map with the following European Colonial power. Also make a note of what each countries' principle language is.

Belgian - OrangeBritish - Red French - BlueItalian - GreenPortuguese - BrownSpanish - YellowIndependent - White

Finish: Assignment: Chapter 12 Sections 1-4 Chapter Review Reading Guide Worksheets

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"Courage leads starward, fear toward death." Seneca
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Mansa Musa Story Reading and Questions

Mansa Musa, (died 1332/37?), mansa(emperor/king) of the West African empire of Mali from 1307 (or 1312). Mansa Mūsā left a realm notable for its extent and riches—he built the Great Mosque at Timbuktu—but he is best remembered in the Middle East and Europe for the splendour of his pilgrimage to Mecca (1324). We read page 285-287 in our World History textbook about the ancient kingdom of Mali and Mansa Musa to set the stage for the following story.

Mansa Musa Story

Questions:1. What did the people of Cairo first think Mansa Musa's great caravan was?2. (a) What evidence in the excerpt suggests that Mansa Musa was a devout man? (b) What evidence in the excerpt suggests that he was honest?3. How did Mansa Musa's pilgramage affect the economy of Cairo?4. What did you learn about Mansa Musa?5. What did you think of the story?

Timbuktu - The great city of the Mali Empire established by Mansa Musa. Major center for trade, the first African University/learning and cultural center, religious center with its Muslim Mosques.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 26 March 1979 - Israel-Egyptian Peace Agreement Signed - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

Six Day War - (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq vs. Israel) All of this is connected to the current conflict over the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights.

1.Who signed the peace treaty at the Camp David Accords? Which countries? Which leaders?2. What happened in the Six Day War? What was the result?3. Describe how the peace treaty came about.4. What happened to Egypt and Pres. Sadat as a result of this peace treaty?5. How is this still an issue today in current events? What do you think?In the news - Golan Heights - Strip -

Monday, 25 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 25 March 1994 - Last U.S. Troops Depart Somalia - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

The Battle of Mogadishu-

1.Describe the Civil War in Somalia.2. Describe the U.S. action in Somalia.3. What was the purpose of the US mission in Somalia?4. Describe the "Black Hawk Down" incident - The Battle of Mogadishu.5. What do you think about the US policy of "nation building"?

Continue Assignment:

African Countries Map

Part 1 - Use the following modern Africa Countries Map Key to fill out your blank African Countries Map.

Part 2 - Using the following links and maps in the textbook - Identify where the following ancient African kingdoms were located on the map. Identify, label, and draw the general location of each kingdom and outline each with dark colors.

Use your book (maps on page 291, 281, ) and the following map to help you find these kingdoms and place them on the map.

Pre-Colonial Africans Kingdoms/Empires

List of Pre-Colonial African Kingdoms

Eatern African Kingdoms:Aksum (Axum) - PinkSwahili - Purple
Western Aftrican Kingdoms:Ghana - Light OrangeMali - YellowSonghai - AquamarineEtheopia - Light BlueBenin - Light PurpleHausa - Peach/Salmon
Central and Southern Africa:Kongo (Congo) - Light BrownBantu Migrations and Great Zimbabwe - GreyMutapa - Lime Green
North African Kingdoms:Carthage - GreenEgyptian - TanNubia or Kush - BlackWakanda - Dark Blue J/K

This has biases etc.; it is a blog - but I kind of chose it because it is soooo pro-Africa - interesting perspective, maybe not totally accurate historically or at least some would disagree, but interesting.

Part 3 - "Scramble for Africa" - The occupation, division, and colonization of the African continent by European powers during the New Imperialism Era, between 1881 and 1914.

Use the map at - Scramble for Africa on Wikipedia to lightly color your map with the following European Colonial power. Also make a note of what each countries' principle language is.

Belgian - OrangeBritish - Red French - BlueItalian - GreenPortuguese - BrownSpanish - YellowIndependent - White

Mini-Term 7 (Week 1) 18 March - 22 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"If at first you do succeed, it can give you a false sense of importance." Frank Tyger
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment:

African Countries Map

Part 1 - Use the following modern Africa Countries Map Key to fill out your blank African Countries Map.

Part 2 - Using the following links and maps in the textbook - Identify where the following ancient African kingdoms were located on the map. Identify, label, and draw the general location of each kingdom and outline each with dark colors.

Use your book (maps on page 291, 281, ) and the following map to help you find these kingdoms and place them on the map.

Pre-Colonial Africans Kingdoms/Empires

List of Pre-Colonial African Kingdoms

Eatern African Kingdoms:Aksum (Axum) - PinkSwahili - Purple
Western Aftrican Kingdoms:Ghana - Light OrangeMali - YellowSonghai - AquamarineEtheopia - Light BlueBenin - Light PurpleHausa - Peach/Salmon
Central and Southern Africa:Kongo (Congo) - Light BrownBantu Migrations and Great Zimbabwe - GreyMutapa - Lime Green
North African Kingdoms:Carthage - GreenEgyptian - TanNubia or Kush - BlackWakanda - Dark Blue J/K

This has biases etc.; it is a blog - but I kind of chose it because it is soooo pro-Africa - interesting perspective, maybe not totally accurate historically or at least some would disagree, but interesting.

Part 3 - "Scramble for Africa" - The occupation, division, and colonization of the African continent by European powers during the New Imperialism Era, between 1881 and 1914.

Use the map at - Scramble for Africa on Wikipedia to lightly color your map with the following European Colonial power. Also make a note of what each countries' principle language is.

Belgian - OrangeBritish - Red French - BlueItalian - GreenPortuguese - BrownSpanish - YellowIndependent - White


Mancala Online Game - It will make you go crazy!!!

Mancala History and Background

More History

Mancala Rules and Strategy

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 21 March 1871 - Stanley Begins Search for Livingstone - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

Dr. David Livingstone -

Henry Morton Stanley -

1. Have you heard the famous quote - "Dr. Livingstone, I presume."? Who was Henry Morton Stanley? Dr. David Livingstone?2. Why was the "Dark Continent" so fascinating to Europeans and Americans?3. What was the purpose of Livingstone's expedition?4. What happened to these two men later in life? Controversies?

How much do you know about Africa?

Pre-Test - Modern Day Africa Map

On the back - KWLS

K - What I know or think I know about Africa.W - What do you want to learn about Africa?L - What did you learn? (Answered later, obviously.)S - What I still want to learn. (Answered later.)

Assignment: African Countries Map

Part 1 - Use the following modern Africa Countries Map Key to fill out your blank African Countries Map.

Part 2 - Using the following links and maps in the textbook - Identify where the following ancient African kingdoms were located on the map. Identify, label, and draw the general location of each kingdom and outline each with dark colors.

Use your book (maps on page 291, 281, ) and the following map to help you find these kingdoms and place them on the map.

Pre-Colonial Africans Kingdoms/Empires

List of Pre-Colonial African Kingdoms

Eatern African Kingdoms:Aksum (Axum) - PinkSwahili - Purple
Western Aftrican Kingdoms:Ghana - Light OrangeMali - YellowSonghai - AquamarineEtheopia - Light BlueBenin - Light PurpleHausa - Peach/Salmon
Central and Southern Africa:Kongo (Congo) - Light BrownBantu Migrations and Great Zimbabwe - GreyMutapa - Lime Green
North African Kingdoms:Carthage - GreenEgyptian - TanNubia or Kush - BlackWakanda - Dark Blue J/K

This has biases etc.; it is a blog - but I kind of chose it because it is soooo pro-Africa - interesting perspective, maybe not totally accurate historically or at least some would disagree, but interesting.

Part 3 - "Scramble for Africa" - The occupation, division, and colonization of the African continent by European powers during the New Imperialism Era, between 1881 and 1914.

Use the map at - Scramble for Africa on Wikipedia to lightly color your map with the following European Colonial power. Also make a note of what each countries' principle language is.

Belgian - OrangeBritish - Red French - BlueItalian - GreenPortuguese - BrownSpanish - YellowIndependent - White

The Rhodes Colossus - Depicts British colonialist Cecil Rhodes as a giant standing over the continent. "From Cape Town to Cairo" 10 December 1892

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"Blow your own horn loud. If you succeed, people will forgive your noise; if you fail, they'll forget it." William Feather
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish - Assignment: Chapter 12 Sections 1-4 Chapter Review Reading Guide Worksheets

Do any make-up work from the previous days - your current events, vision assignment, class online disclosure assignment.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 (Substitute)

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"Man must be arched and buttressed from within, else the temple will crumble to dust." Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish - Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

Assignment: Chapter 12 Sections 1-4 Chapter Review Reading Guide Worksheets

Monday, 18 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Confidence -

"The first step in handling anything is gaining the ability to face it." L. Ron Hubbard
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment - Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Assignment: Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 3/29 and the second is due before 4/18), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to African history See the handout below.

Current Event Assignment

Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

Mini-Term 6 (Week 4) 11 March - 15 March 2019

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Integrity -

"Each man has his own vocation. The talent is the call." Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish Assignment: Aristotle and Poetics - Greek Drama web search 2019 Website For Answers

Today we watched a video on Greek theater.


An Introduction to Greek Theater – Video - Greek Theatre –

Slideshow -

Listening Guide: Greek Theater Introduction Movie Listening Guide - Use the movie and the PowerPoint to answer the questions on the listening guide.

Greek Theater Introduction Movie Listening Guide.pdf

Monday, 11 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Integrity -

"As tools become rusty, so does the mind; a garden uncared for soon becomes smothered in weeds; a talent neglected withers and dies." Ethel R. Page
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Today we finished what we could on Plato's Republic. We got to about #33.

Mini-Term 6 (Week 3) 4 March - 8 March

Friday, 8 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 8 March 1917 - February Revolution in Russia - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. What brought about the revolution? How does this fit into Plato's Cycle of Government?2. What happened in Russia that led the people to be upset with Nicholas II, the Tzar?3. What was the result of the protesting and riots?4. Plato says that after the revolution, a form of Democracy takes over. Russia's cycle is a little different. It turns to communism. Communists would see that as rule by the people. How is Communism different? How is it the same?

FINISH - Assignment: Greek Vocabulary Government Roots and Terms

FINISH - Assignment: Story Line Graphic Organizer Pick two stories from Greek Mythology - Read them and fill out the Storyline Graphic Organizer

NEW - Assignment: Aristotle and Poetics - Greek Drama web search 2019 Website For Answers

Today we learned about the history and terms related to Greek drama. We watched two videos and started a few slides to discuss and learn about Greek drama.

Use the following two video clips and the slideshow to fill out and answer questions on these two worksheets.

Use the following website to complete the definition for the Greek Theatre terms below:

Other Sources:

An Introduction to Greek Theatre – Video - Greek Theatre –

Slideshow -

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Integrity -

"Success can corrupt; usefulness only exalt." Dimitri Mitropolous
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

FINISH - Assignment: Greek Vocabulary Government Roots and Terms

FINISH - Assignment: Story Line Graphic Organizer Pick two stories from Greek Mythology - Read them and fill out the Sro

NEW - Assignment: Aristotle and Poetics - Greek Drama web search 2019 Website For Answers

Today we learned about the history and terms related to Greek drama. We watched two videos and started a few slides to discuss and learn about Greek drama.

Use the following two video clips and the slideshow to fill out and answer questions on these two worksheets.

Use the following website to complete the definition for the Greek Theatre terms below:

Other Sources:

An Introduction to Greek Theatre – Video - Greek Theatre –

Slideshow -

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Daily Journal - "Analyze the Political Cartoon". We do this to bring current events into the class discussion and to practice the skill of inference. Answer the following questions for the cartoon:

1. List the objects or people you see in the cartoon.2. Describe any symbolism or metaphors.3. Analyze the effects of any distortions, stereotypes, or caricatures.4. Identify any words and their effects on the meaning of the cartoon. 5. How does this political cartoon relate to history or current events?6. What biases and perspectives are represented in this viewpoint.7. Summarize what you believe is the author's intended message. 8. Critique and evaluate - What are your thoughts about the cartoon?Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
*** This is NOT meant to bash President Trump or President Obama but to add to our discussion about Plato's Cycles of Government and how it might apply to today.
President Obama Video - "I am not a dictator. I am the president."

Continue Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

The Text – Plato’s Republic (excerpts from book III, IV, VIII and IX) – The version I handed out in class is better, because I have given it some helpful annotations, but this is the on-line version.

Keep in mind two questions as you do this in preparation for reading a portion of Plato's Republic when we get back - What makes a good ruler? AND What is the best form of government?

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Integrity -

"Our definition of success is unorthodox. We claim that any man who is honest, fair, tolerant, kindly, charitable of others and well behaved is a success, no matter his station in life." Jay E. House
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

The Text – Plato’s Republic (excerpts from book III, IV, VIII and IX) – The version I handed out in class is better, because I have given it some helpful annotations, but this is the on-line version.

Keep in mind two questions as you do this in preparation for reading a portion of Plato's Republic when we get back - What makes a good ruler? AND What is the best form of government?

Monday, 4 March 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Integrity -

"Integrity is the first step to true greatness. Men love to praise but are slow to practice it." Charles Simmons
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

The Text – Plato’s Republic (excerpts from book III, IV, VIII and IX) – The version I handed out in class is better, because I have given it some helpful annotations, but this is the on-line version.

Keep in mind two questions as you do this in preparation for reading a portion of Plato's Republic when we get back - What makes a good ruler? AND What is the best form of government?

Mini-Term 6 (Week 2) 25 February - 1 March

Friday, 1 March 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 1 March 1781 - Articles of Confederation Ratified After 4 Years - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. When were the Articles of Confederation ratified?2.When were the Articles of Confederation signed?3. What were the major differences between the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution?4. What were the three types of government that ruled the US from 1776 - 1787?

Continue Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

The Text – Plato’s Republic (excerpts from book III, IV, VIII and IX) – The version I handed out in class is better, because I have given it some helpful annotations, but this is the on-line version.

Keep in mind two questions as you do this in preparation for reading a portion of Plato's Republic when we get back - What makes a good ruler? AND What is the best form of government?

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Ambition -

"The slave has but one master; the man of ambition has as many as there are people useful to his fortune." Jean de La Bruyere
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

The Text – Plato’s Republic (excerpts from book III, IV, VIII and IX) – The version I handed out in class is better, because I have given it some helpful annotations, but this is the on-line version.

Keep in mind two questions as you do this in preparation for reading a portion of Plato's Republic when we get back - What makes a good ruler? AND What is the best form of government?

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Ambition -

"Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul." Charles Buxton
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

Assignment: Greek Vocabulary Government Roots and Terms

How does the Hindu belief in the Caste System connect with Plato's "Royal Lie"?

Complete Likert Scale #2 in our reading guide.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Ambition -

"Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes as to wealth. She begins by accumulating it as a means to happiness, and finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end." Charles Caleb Colton
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

Assignment: Greek Vocabulary Government Roots and Terms

Monday, 25 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Ambition -

"Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high we reach, we are never satisfied." Niccolo Machiavelli
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Attention Getter - Assignment - Leadership Object Lesson/Game

In this game, there will be a leader and a follower. The goal is to lead the follower through the maze without hitting one of the "mines". There are three attempts. The first time through, the leader can speak and see, but the following is blind and cannot speak. Second time, the leader can see and speak, but the follower is still blind but now can communicate through speaking, Last, both the leader and the follower can see and speak.

Leadership Game Board

Reflection Questions:

1. What makes a good or bad leader? Describe the characteristics.

2. In what ways is this exercise symbolic or representative of our government and its leaders?

3. What do the elements of the game represent: obstacles, "mines", handicaps, etc.?

4. What type of government does each stage of the game represent? Describe.

Assignment: Plato's Republic and Reading Guide

Mini-Term 6 (Week 1) 19 February - 22 February

Friday, 22 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Education -

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Education -

"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." James Thurber
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Greek Vocabulary Government Roots and Terms

Assignment: Story Line Graphic Organizer Pick two stories from Greek Mythology - Read them and fill out the Sro

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

ACT Testing - Juniors only. Be here by at least 7:20 so you can be on time for the test. Done by 11:45 - early out.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Education -

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment - Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Assignment: Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 3/1 and the second is due before 3/15), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to Greece, art and drama, government, Greek mythology. See the handout below.

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

Mini-Term 5 (Week 5) 11 February - 14 February

Thursday, 14 February 2019

No Journal Today - Make sure your journals are turned in.

Assignment - Finish any make-up work. Work Day - Make-up Day

Please finish your Two Voice Poems and your Allegory of the Cave Assignment and Drawing.

Extra Credit Opportunity: If you are all caught up, you can do some extra credit.

Worksheet - Explore the Realms of Philosophy Article

Article -

Worksheet - Stoicism and Star Wars

Article -

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 13 February 1622 - Galileo in Rome for Inquisition - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. Who is Galileo Galilei?2. What paradigm shifts did he bring about?3. What consequences did he face for "coming out of the cave"?4. What happened in 1992?

Assignment - Work Day - Make-up Day

Please finish your Two Voice Poems and your Allegory of the Cave Assignment and Drawing.

Extra Credit Opportunity: If you are all caught up, you can do some extra credit.

Worksheet - Explore the Realms of Philosophy Article

Article -

Worksheet - Stoicism and Star Wars

Article -

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Logic -

"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." Lewis Carroll (Tweedledee & Tweedledum)
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment - Work Day - Make-up Day

Please finish your Two Voice Poems and your Allegory of the Cave Assignment and Drawing.

Extra Credit Opportunity: If you are all caught up, you can do some extra credit.

Worksheet - Explore the Realms of Philosophy Article

Article -

Worksheet - Stoicism and Star Wars

Article -

Monday, 11 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Logic -

"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." Lewis Carroll (Tweedledee & Tweedledum)
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Two Voice Poem Assessment

Today we used our notes and definitions to compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle using a Venn Diagram. This will also be used in the writing of your two-voice poems. We will read a book called – Seven Blind Mice, by Ed Young. This children’s book does a good job of including many ideas from Plato and Aristotle about discovering what is the truth and reality.

Two questions on the back of your Venn Diagram Sheet -

1.) How does the Seven Blind Mice story compare to Aristotle, Plato, and even the Allegory of the Cave?

2.) What is your "Mice Moral" of the story?

I then introduced the two-voice poem idea and shared my example. Students were then asked to write their “mouse moral” – or moral of the story in their journals.

Seven Blind Mice – A Two-Voice Poem by Bryan Hatch

Now use your Venn Diagram and notes and definitions on Greek Philosophy to complete your own Two - Voice Poem.

Two Voice Poem Assignment

Student Example

Mini-Term 5 (Week 4) 4 February - 8 February

Friday, 8 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Logic -

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Assignment: Compare and Contrast Plato and Aristotle and their philosophies. Introduction - Use the Venn Diagram to write information about each philosopher in the "outside" sections of the Venn Diagram. Then we will list the similarities in the middle, and circle the difference.
Start by watching this Khan Academy Video about Raphael's painting called - "The School of Athens". Note the differences of Plato and Aristotle that are portrayed in the painting. "The School of Athens" - Khan Academy Video
"The School of Athens" Interactive Website
(Continue from YESTERDAY)Use the following information sheets to learn more about Plato and Aristotle. Use this to continue to fill out your Venn Diagram. Venn Diagram
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Notes Pages
"Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth." Aristotle
On the back of the Venn diagram, we will compare Buddha's experience with that of Plato and Aristotle. You will even notice similarities in the story from many other great "World Religious" leaders and "Enlightened Leaders" from around the world - even compare Buddha's story to that of Jesus Christ. How do these stories demonstrate the concept of "enlightenment"?
Read page 78 in the World Civilizations Textbook. Read about the story of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and his process to enlightenment. On the back of the Venn Diagram answer the following questions - 1.) How is this story similar to Plato's Allegory of the Cave? 2.) Argue - Is Buddha a Platonist or an Aristotelian - Does he achieve enlightenment through meditation and logic, or experience and observation - the physical world and the senses?

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Logic -

"Against logic, there is no armor like ignorance." Laurence J. Peter
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Assignment: Compare and Contrast Plato and Aristotle and their philosophies. Introduction - Use the Venn Diagram to write information about each philosopher in the "outside" sections of the Venn Diagram. Then we will list the similarities in the middle, and circle the difference.
Start by watching this Khan Academy Video about Raphael's painting called - "The School of Athens". Note the differences of Plato and Aristotle that are portrayed in the painting. Venn Diagram
"The School of Athens" - Khan Academy Video
"The School of Athens" Interactive Website
"Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth." Aristotle

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Logic -

"When dealing with people, remember you are NOT dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion." Dale Carnegie
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Make Up Day

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"Wisdom is oft times nearer when we stoop than when we soar." William Wordsworth
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Finish your Allegory of the Cave drawing and description - Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – Assignment

Assignment: We also worked a little more on our vocabulary assignment.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"Success makes a fool seem wise." H.G Bohn
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Today we began reading Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

The Allegory of the Cave. This story is a very symbolic story. Please use the guided imagery strategy that was talked about in class while we read. It will help you understand some of the symbolism, if you attempt to visualize what is happening in the story. This will help you to understand the allegorical, metaphorical, or symbolic meaning of the text. Use the following sheet to complete the assignment.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – Assignment

Here is the version of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave that we used from on-line. Go to:

Mini-Term 5 (Week 3) 28 January - 1 February

Friday, 1 February 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so." Phil Dormer Stanhope Lord Chesterfield
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Today we began reading Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

The Allegory of the Cave. This story is a very symbolic story. Please use the guided imagery strategy that was talked about in class while we read. It will help you understand some of the symbolism, if you attempt to visualize what is happening in the story. This will help you to understand the allegorical, metaphorical, or symbolic meaning of the text. Use the following sheet to complete the assignment.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – Assignment

Here is the version of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave that we used from on-line. Go to:

Thursday, 31 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"Heads are wisest when they are cool and hearts are strongest when they beat in response to noble ideals." Ralph J. Bunche
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: (FInish) Guided Imagery Prereading Strategy

We did a guided imagery exercise as a class. We will finish this tomorrow. It was different, but hopefully you had fun and it will help you understand the reading of the Allegory of the Cave better.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 30 January 1948 - Gandhi Assassinated - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

This site may also be helpful -

1. Summarize Gandhi's life.2. What lessons did her learn? What paradigm shifts happened?3. What did Gandhi teach?4. What great accomplishments did he achieve?5. Why was he assassinated? What do you think about that?

Assignment: Allegory of the Cave Prereading Strategies:

We did a little experiment in class in order to introduce the Allegory of the Cave – a story we will be reading. Today we also did a little activity in class to try and understand the difference between Plato’s and Aristotle’s philosophy about metaphysics. We defined metaphysics. Meta (above or beyond) and physics (refers to the physical world) Ultimately, metaphysics is the study of what is real or reality – What is real? Do your senses deceive you? Several objects will be put on the overhead to try and deceive the person who is trying to discover what the object is. Examples: 1. Ring a bell and place a cup that would like the shadow of a bell. 2. Drop some change then put a cylinder that would make a shadow that would look like a shadow of money. After participating in the object lesson in which the senses deceived those who participated – they thought they were hearing and seeing something based on the sounds and the shadows cast, but they were mislead – answer the following questions.

Journal Questions:

1. What is real? What is reality?

2. How do we determine what is real or reality?

3. What are obstacles to discovering truth or reality?

4. How do we overcome those obstacles?

5. Is discovering the truth or reality really possible?

6. What did you learn from the object lesson? Complete these questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Assignment: Guided Imagery Prereading Strategy

We did a guided imagery exercise as a class. We will finish this tomorrow. It was different, but hopefully you had fun and it will help you understand the reading of the Allegory of the Cave better.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"It may serve as a comfort to us, in all our calamities and afflictions, that he that loses anything and gets wisdom by it is a gainer by the loss." Roger L'estrange
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Assignment: Greek Philosophy and Government Vocabulary and Vocabulary Prefixes and Roots
Study Blue Flash Cards for extra practice - Please join World Civilizations with me on STUDYBLUE - On-line
flashcards accessible by phone, tablet, or computer. Code: G341151 Teacher: Hatch School: Two Rivers HighThen find the "Greek Philosophy Vocabulary and Vocabulary Roots" Cards

Monday, 28 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Wisdom -

"A prudent person profits from personal experience, a wise one from the experiences of others." Joseph Collins
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Finish - Chapter Work

Greek Philosophy - Chapter 5 Section 4 Reading Guide

Chinese/Asian Philosophy - Chapter 4 Section 1 Reading Guide & Chapter 4 Section 4 Reading Guide

Finished - Socratic Circles -

Socratic Circles Worksheet - Enlightenment

Mini-Term 5 (Week 2) 22 January - 25 January

Friday, 25 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"Perspective is everything when you are experiencing the challenges of life." Joni Tada
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Finish - We are going to do a little chapter work today. Please complete the following study guides for Greek Philosophy and Chinese/Asian Philosophy.

Greek Philosophy - Chapter 5 Section 4 Reading Guide

Chinese/Asian Philosophy - Chapter 4 Section 1 Reading Guide & Chapter 4 Section 4 Reading Guide

Started and will finish Monday -

There are two ways that great teachers throughout history have taught somewhat difficult concepts - the allegory (a symbolic story) and through questioning. Socrates used the method of questioning. In fact, the Socratic Method is a method of teaching with questions that was given his name. Today we completed the Socratic Method experience by completing the Socratic Circle worksheet. The word we analyzed was "enlightenment". We will be looking back at these after we have completed reading Plato's Allegory of the Cave to see if we have altered our thinking. Discussing the topic of enlightenment, will help set the stage better for understanding the Allegory of the Cave. We will be reading that tomorrow.

Socratic Circles Worksheet - Enlightenment

(Substitute) Thursday, 24 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective." Warren G. Bennis
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: We are going to do a little chapter work today. Please complete the following study guides for Greek Philosophy and Chinese/Asian Philosophy.

Greek Philosophy - Chapter 5 Section 4 Reading Guide

Chinese/Asian Philosophy - Chapter 4 Section 1 Reading Guide & Chapter 4 Section 4 Reading Guide

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"I think it's going to take my whole life to sort of get people to know what my perspective is." Suzy Bogguss
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: We continued today looking at the concept of a paradigm by reading a section in Steven R. Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We are reading excerpts from pages 23-44 and excerpts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens pages 11-28 and answering the questions on the reading study guide. The Power of the Paradigm Reading Guide

Battleship Video - Paradigm Shift/Principle Paradigm

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: We continued today looking at the concept of a paradigm by reading a section in Steven R. Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We are reading excerpts from pages 23-44 and excerpts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens pages 11-28 and answering the questions on the reading study guide. The Power of the Paradigm Reading Guide

Battleship Video - Paradigm Shift/Principle Paradigm

Mini-Term 5 (Week 1) 14 January - 18 January

Friday, 18 January 2019

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"When people thought the Earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the Earth was spherical they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the Earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the Earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together." Isaac Asimov (see the picture and description below)
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.


Yesterday we spent the day learning about optical illusions. We asked the question – Is it out LOGIC or our SENSES that helps us to know the truth, reality, or what is real? The optical illusions make you question your senses.

Today we started by just doing a little experiment in class with the old lady-young lady picture.

Which do you see – an old woman or a young woman?

We then began looking at the concept of a paradigm by reading a section in Steven R. Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We are reading excerpts from pages 23-44 and excerpts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens pages 11-28 and answering the questions on the reading study guide. The Power of the Paradigm Reading Guide

A few students have seen the before in class and it was mentioned there were some newer versions that can teach the same lesson.

Blue Dress? White Dress?

Is this a white dress with gold trim, or a blue dress with brown trim?

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -

"There are truths on this side of the Pyrenees, which are falsehoods on the other." Blaise Pascal (see the picture and description below)
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

This quote is particularly enlightening when you realize that the Catholic Monarchs King Ferdinand and Isabella (from Columbus fame) who were from Aragon and Castille (Which one day would become modern Spain - were the kings who continued and were successful with the "Reconquista" (Reconquest) of Spain. The area known today as "Spain" had been controlled by the Muslim world since they had spread from Saudi Arabia across Northern Africa and up into Spain around 700 A.D. SO . . . literally on one side of the Pyrenees you have the Muslim world and on the other you have the Christian world. (The quote above references the differences between the Christian and Muslim Worlds) "In 1492, when Colombus sailed the ocean blue" Ferdinand and Isabella not only financed and sent Columbus on his voyage to discover a new route to the spices and silks of China and the Far East, but they also successfully completed the "Reconquista" of Spain - they drove the Muslims out of Spain and Grenada fell to the Christian world.

Below: Map of Pyrenees, pasceline "calculator", Pascal's Triangle, and Pascal's Wager)

Assignment: (Questions continued from yesterday)


1. Focusing on Metaphysics, what is real/reality?

2. Focusing on Epistemology, how do I know what is real/the truth? How do I come to the knowledge of the "truth"?

3. Can you trust what you see, your senses?

4. What can you trust to tell you the truth? Anything? Is it all lies?

5. Is there only one truth, or many truths? Is it all about perspective? Is there one absolute truth or is truth relative?

6. What did you learn from the Optical Illusions?

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Normal is in the eyes of the beholder." Whoopi Goldberg
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: (Continued from yesterday)

Introduction to Philosophy -

Philosophy -Break it down by root words - Philo (Gr. Love) Sophy (Gr. Wisdom) - to love wisdom or knowledge.

Philosopher - Someone who loves wisdom.

What are the 5 branches of philosophy? Write the types and their definitions.

Metaphysics - "What is real/truth?" "What is out there?" The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space - the "real" nature of things.

Epistemology - "How do I know reality/truth?" "How do I learn it?" "How do I know something or gain knowledge?" The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

Ethics - "What should or do or not do?" "Proper actions?" Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

Politics - "How much power should I have and/or use?" "What can I do?" "What is permissible?" The study of the principles of force and power, liberty, justice, property, rights, and laws, etc.

Aesthetics/Esthetics - A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.

Optical Illusions - What do you see? What is real?

Dancing Lady -

and other illusions - Collection of Optical Illusion

Inattentional Blindness:

"Monkey Business" Video -

Twisted Picture Illusions:

Ferrari Optical Illusion -

Swimming Pool Illusion -

MC Escher Illusions:

Shade Illusions:

Actual Mirages:

Rolling Mask Illusion:


1. Focusing on Metaphysics, what is real/reality?

2. Focusing on Epistemology, how do I know what is real/the truth? How do I come to the knowledge of the "truth"?

3. Can you trust what you see, your senses?

4. What can you trust to tell you the truth? Anything? Is it all lies?

5. Is there only one truth, or many truths? Is it all about perspective? Is there one absolute truth or is truth relative?

6. What did you learn from the Optical Illusions?

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"When you're in the muck you can only see the muck. If you somehow manage to float above it, you still see the muck but you see if from a different perspective. And you see other things too. That's the consolation of philosophy." David Cronenberg
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.


Introduction to Philosophy -

Philosophy -Break it down by root words - Philo (Gr. Love) Sophy (Gr. Wisdom) - to love wisdom or knowledge.

Philosopher - Someone who loves wisdom.

What are the 5 branches of philosophy? Write the types and their definitions.

Metaphysics - "What is real/truth?" "What is out there?" The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space - the "real" nature of things.

Epistemology - "How do I know reality/truth?" "How do I learn it?" "How do I know something or gain knowledge?" The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

Ethics - "What should or do or not do?" "Proper actions?" Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

Politics - "How much power should I have and/or use?" "What can I do?" "What is permissible?" The study of the principles of force and power, liberty, justice, property, rights, and laws, etc.

Aesthetics/Esthetics - A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.

Optical Illusions - What do you see? What is real?

Dancing Lady -

and other illusions - Collection of Optical Illusion

Inattentional Blindness:

"Monkey Business" Video -

Twisted Picture Illusions:

Ferrari Optical Illusion -

Swimming Pool Illusion -

MC Escher Illusions:

Shade Illusions:

Actual Mirages:

Rolling Mask Illusion:


1. Focusing on Metaphysics, what is real/reality?

2. Focusing on Epistemology, how do I know what is real/the truth? How do I come to the knowledge of the "truth"?

3. Can you trust what you see, your senses?

4. What can you trust to tell you the truth? Anything? Is it all lies?

5. Is there only one truth, or many truths? Is it all about perspective? Is there one absolute truth or is truth relative?

6. What did you learn from the Optical Illusions?

Monday, 14 January 2019

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"It's amazing how, over time, a person's perspective can be altered." Fred Durst
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.


Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Assignment: Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 1/25 and the second is due before 2/14), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to Greece and Greek history, the theme of perspective, philosophy, and Greek Government (Democracy). (See the handout below.)

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

End Mini-Term 4

Mini-Term 4 (Week 4) 3 January - 11 January

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Blaming destiny is a poor out for those who don't reach desired destinations." Malcom S. Forbes
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

We continued doing research on our writing prompt - How and who built the Egyptian Great Pyramids? Today we looked at a new theory - the Inner Ramp Theory. Please take notes on your post-it notes to gather information for and against this theory.

If you have missed some of these videos or articles - you can catch up at on Google Classroom. You should be taking Post-it note notes on all of these sources so you can ultimately make a decision about how the pyramids were built.

Jean-Pierre Houdin -- Inner Ramp Theory -

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5 -

Thursday, 3 January 2018

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 3 January 1924 - King Tut's Sarcophagus Uncovered - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. Who was King Tut?2. Where was the Tomb found?3. Why do you think the tomb was still intact? 4. Do you think there is more to be discovered, or have we found it all? What have you heard in the news?

Watch these two movie sections first and add notes with their post-it notes on their folders.

Slave and Ramp Theory -

Secret of the Pyramids Part 1 of 2

Secret of the Pyramids Part 2 of 2

Then - they can start reading the article about how the pyramids were built and add more notes to their folders from that information. The theory is the "Internal Ramp" Theory.

Mini-Term 4 (Week 3) 17 December - 21 December

Friday, 21 December 2018

Little Extra Holiday/Christmas Tradition fun - Often as we celebrate Christmas this time of year. Many don't realize the history and origins of many of the traditions we celebrate. Take the True or False quiz to start with and then watch the following clips and correct your answers. This is a great transition to some of the things we will be studying when we get back - Greek and Roman Religious mythology and beliefs.

NEWS FLASH - November 21, 2012 - "Christian Calendar is Wrong" Says the Pope =

So what is the true story of some of these Christmas / Roman beliefs?

Take the quiz and see what you know - History and Origins of Christmas - Roman? Zoroastrian?


Little Extra Holiday/Christmas Tradition fun - Often as we celebrate Christmas this time of year. Many don't realize the history and origins of many of the traditions we celebrate. Take the True or False quiz to start with and then watch the following clips and correct your answers. This is a great transition to some of the things we will be studying when we get back - Greek and Roman Religious mythology and beliefs.

NEWS FLASH - November 21, 2012 - "Christian Calendar is Wrong" Says the Pope =

So what is the true story of some of these Christmas / Roman beliefs?

Take the quiz and see what you know - History and Origins of Christmas - Roman? Zoroastrian?


Use the following links to videos to help find the correct answers.

Origins of Christmas -

Evolution of Christmas -

Why December 25th -

Christmas Becomes a Holiday -

Origins of Santa -

Evolution of Santa -

Bet You Didn't Know -

North Pole Deconstructed -

Strange Christmas Traditions -

Remember - You do have to come back on January 2nd - So don't get to used to no school.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Remember the Roman and Norse pagan roots, origins, and history of Christmas as you celebrate.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"The secret if the true love of work is the hope of success in that work; not for the money reward. . . but for the successful result in the accomplishment of the work itself." Sidney Weltmer
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"The distance is nothing, it is only the first step that is difficult." Mme Du Deffand
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Wednesday, 18 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"It is sobering to consider that when Mozart was my age he had already been dead for a year." Tom Lehrer
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Monday, 17 December 2018

No class today - Christmas / Holiday Service Project / Party for Canyon View LIFE program students.

Mini-Term 4 (Week 2) 10 December - 14 December

Friday, 14 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"He has, indeed done very well; but is a foolish thing well done." Samuel Jackson
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get you heart's desire. The other is to get it." George Bernard Shaw
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"None climbs so high but he who knows not wither he is bound." Oliver Cromwell
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul." Proverbs
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Primary and Secondary Sources Video Clip - Use this video clip to help define the three types or levels of credibility of sources.

Sources Worksheet and Definitions

Types of Sources Handouts

Use this PowerPoint to learn about Traditional Sources and fill out the Worksheet above - Sources PowerPoint

Monday, 10 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"When people are put into positions slightly above what they would expect, they're apt to excel." Richard Branson
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Welcome to Mini-Term 4 (Week 1) 3 December - 7 December

Friday, 7 December 2018

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 7 December 1941 - Pearl Harbor Bombed - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. What mistakes were made that allowed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to be so successful?2. What damage was done? US casualties, ships, etc.?3. Japanese losses?4. Who was Jeanette Rankin5. Why do we need to remember this infamous day?6. Describe the "Fringe" theory / conspiracy theory behind Pearl Harbor. Why do some believe these types of conspiracy theories?

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"There are two things to aim at in life: first to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second." Logan Pearsall Smith
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.
Assignment: Egyptian Mystery #1 - Mummies and the Mummy's Curse -
Introduction Questions:

Brainstorm - What do you know about mummies? How were they made?

What do you know about the "Mummies' Curse"? Do you believe it? Why? Why not?'s_curse

Introduction: What did history use to think about the mummy process? Look at some of the picture evidence below. This is about all that historians could go on. What does it teach us about the mummification process?

Read the article.

Thoroughly Modern Mummy Article and T/F Worksheet

Post Reading Questions:

What do we know now about the process?

How did historians and archaeologists come to those conclusions?

What were some of the sources and evidence used to come to these conclusions?

thoroughly modern mummy build curiousity[1].pdf

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 5 December 1945 - Aircraft Squadron Lost in the Bermuda Triangle - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 31 October 1517 - Martin Luther Posts the 95 Theses - Read about it here and answer the questions below -


1. Summarize the events of this night in 1945.2. Describe the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.3. What are the "fringe" theories or mysteries about this event - what caused it? 4. What is the more realistic or practical explanation? 5. What are other mysteries of history that you know of?We also watched this short video to introduce the idea of history's mysteries.

How much of this story is "fringe history" and how much is "mainstream history"?

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance." Bruce Barton
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Today we learned how to do our

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"An uninspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes." Sri Chinmoy
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment - Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Assignment: Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 12/14 and the second is due before 1/11), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to Egypt, Historical Research, Historical Mysteries, and "Achievement". See the handout below.

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

End of Mini-Term 3 - Start of Mini-Term 4

Mini-Term 3 (Week 4) 19 November - 30 November

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"The successful man lengthens his stride when he discovers that the signpost has deceived him; the failure looks for a place to sit down." J.R. Rodgers1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"We do not meet with success except by reiterated efforts." Framcoise de Maintenon
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 26 November 1922 - Tomb of King Tut Discovered - Read about it here and answer the questions below -

1. How long had it been since the last human had entered the tomb?

2. What other great discoveries did Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon make?

3. Who was King Tut?

4. Describe what was found within King Tut's Tomb.

Wednesday, 21 November - Friday, 23 November - Thanksgiving Break.

Have a great break! We will see you back on Monday, 26 November 2018.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." John F. Kennedy1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Egyptian Game - Senat - "The Game of Passing"

Here are the rules and history of the game: Senat rules and history

Here is the board game: Senat Board Game

Monday, 19 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us be thankful." Buddha1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Egyptian Religion, Pantheon, and Death Rituals - Found on Google Classroom at -

Today we read about the Egyptian beliefs about life after death and mummification. Please see Mr. Hatch for the text that we read and answer the questions of the study guide below. We also identified many of the members of the Egyptian Pantheon or Gods. Use to identify each god.

We also added to our vocabulary list -

Mono = one

Poly = many

Theo = God

Helio = Sun

Polis = City

Oct = eight

Non / Nov / Ennea = Nine

Pan = All

Mini-Term 3 (Week 3) 12 November - 16 November

Friday, 16 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"It's a sign of meritocracy when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation" Roberto Benigni1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Egyptian Religion, Pantheon, and Death Rituals - Found on Google Classroom at -

Today we read about the Egyptian beliefs about life after death and mummification. Please see Mr. Hatch for the text that we read and answer the questions of the study guide below. We also identified many of the members of the Egyptian Pantheon or Gods. Use to identify each god.

We also added to our vocabulary list -

Mono = one

Poly = many

Theo = God

Helio = Sun

Polis = City

Oct = eight

Non / Nov / Ennea = Nine

Pan = All

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a gift and not giving it." William Arthur Ward1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Egyptian Religion, Pantheon, and Death Rituals - Found on Google Classroom at -

Today we read about the Egyptian beliefs about life after death and mummification. Please see Mr. Hatch for the text that we read and answer the questions of the study guide below. We also identified many of the members of the Egyptian Pantheon or Gods. Use to identify each god.

We also added to our vocabulary list -

Mono = one

Poly = many

Theo = God

Helio = Sun

Polis = City

Oct = eight

Non / Nov / Ennea = Nine

Pan = All

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." Eric Hoffer1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Egyptian Religion, Pantheon, and Death Rituals - Found on Google Classroom at -

Today we read about the Egyptian beliefs about life after death and mummification. Please see Mr. Hatch for the text that we read and answer the questions of the study guide below. We also identified many of the members of the Egyptian Pantheon or Gods. Use to identify each god.

We also added to our vocabulary list -

Mono = one

Poly = many

Theo = God

Helio = Sun

Polis = City

Oct = eight

Non / Nov / Ennea = Nine

Pan = All

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Nothing, not even sheer ability can make up for the dedication required for a successful business career." Ray Eppert1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue from yesterday -

Assignment: Dawn of History - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer - PowerPoint and Vocabulary - Available on Google Classroom at:

Use the Dawn of History PowerPoint to complete your vocabulary list and fill out the Egypt / Civilization Vocabulary Root Words Worksheet

Dawn of History PowerPoint - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer

Egypt Vocabulary List Worksheet

Egypt Root Words Worksheet

Tuesday, 12 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." William Feather1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue from yesterday -

Assignment: Dawn of History - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer - PowerPoint and Vocabulary - Available on Google Classroom at:

Use the Dawn of History PowerPoint to complete your vocabulary list and fill out the Egypt / Civilization Vocabulary Root Words Worksheet

Dawn of History PowerPoint - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer

Egypt Vocabulary List Worksheet

Egypt Root Words Worksheet

Mini-Term 3 (Week 2) 5 November - 9 November

Friday, 9 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Humans are possessed, to some degree, with the power of foresight. Yet we so often learn things the hard way, through disaster." David Grinspoon1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue from yesterday -

Assignment: Dawn of History - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer - PowerPoint and Vocabulary - Available on Google Classroom at:

Use the Dawn of History PowerPoint to complete your vocabulary list and fill out the Egypt / Civilization Vocabulary Root Words Worksheet

Dawn of History PowerPoint - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer

Egypt Vocabulary List Worksheet

Egypt Root Words Worksheet

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"She felt that those who prepared for all the emergencies of life beforehand may equip themselves at the expense of joy." E.M. Foster1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Continue from yesterday -

Assignment: Dawn of History - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer - PowerPoint and Vocabulary - Available on Google Classroom at:

Use the Dawn of History PowerPoint to complete your vocabulary list and fill out the Egypt / Civilization Vocabulary Root Words Worksheet

Dawn of History PowerPoint - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer

Egypt Vocabulary List Worksheet

Egypt Root Words Worksheet

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not." Isaac Asimov
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Assignment: Dawn of History - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer - PowerPoint and Vocabulary - Available on Google Classroom at:

Use the Dawn of History PowerPoint to complete your vocabulary list and fill out the Egypt / Civilization Vocabulary Root Words Worksheet

Dawn of History PowerPoint - The Origins of Writing - Civilizations of Egypt and Sumer

Egypt Vocabulary List Worksheet

Egypt Root Words Worksheet

Orgins of Writing - Dawn of History PowerPoint 2018 Version.ppt

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass." Lord Melbourne
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish - Dawn of History and Birth of Civilizations Notes -

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Chart -

Fill out the pyramid according to the chart on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When you are done, answer the following question at the bottom of the paper - How does Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs relate to pre-historic man and the birth of civilization? Put a star in your notes where you believe pre-historic man was on the hierarchy. Put a star where you believe civilized man is on the hierarchy.

So in the end, which was it? Was pre-history really "savage"? Is civilization really "civilized?


Jean Jacques Rousseau – Noble Savage, that life before civilization and agriculture was more pure, close to nature

Thomas Hobbes – “Nasty, Brutish, and Short”

Monday, 5 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"You can never plan the future by the past." Edmund Burke
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Dawn of History and Birth of Civilizations Notes -

Write the notes in your journal and participate in the class discussion.

Welcome To Mini-Term 3 (Week 1) 29 October - 2 November

Topic: The Birth of Civilization and the Dawn of History

Friday, 2 November 2018

Week 1 of Daily Journals are DUE TODAY -

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong - these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history." Winston Churchill
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

*****Substitute ***** Assignment: Reading Guide Worksheet - Chapter 1 Section 1 and 2

Chapter 1 Section 2 - Reading Guide - The Dawn of History

Chapter 1 Section 2 - Quiz

Chapter 1 Section 3 - Reading Guide - Beginnings of Civilizations

Chapter 1 Section 3 - Quiz

Chapter 1 Skill Builder Activity

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"In action be primitive; in foresight, a strategist." Ed Koch
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Dawn of History and Birth of Civilizations Notes -

Write the notes in your journal and participate in the class discussion.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018 - Happy Halloween - School is OPEN!

Daily Journal: "On This Date in History" - 31 October 1517 - Martin Luther Posts the 95 Theses - Read about it here and answer the questions below -


1. Who was Martin Luther?2. What were the 95 Theses about?3. What were the "Protestants" protesting about the Catholic Church?4. What consequences did Luther face?5. Describe religious freedom throughout the past. How has it changed? (1st Amendment - Free Practice of Religion and Freedom from Established Religion)

Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Daily Journal: "Daily Quote" -

"Prudence is foresight and far-sightedness. It's the ability to make immediate decisions on the basis of their longer-range effects" John Ortberg
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Finish The Vision Card Assignment -

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - (Do assignment 1 if you are new to the class. Do assignment 2 if you are a returning student. Do both if you are returning but never made a vision card.)

Foundation Stones to Success -

What do each of these quotes mean? How do they apply to your life?
"I will not allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure." Og Mandino - Author of The Greatest Salesman in the World
"The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it." Dee Hock - Founder and CEO of Visa Credit Card

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Monday, 29 October 2018

Daily Journal: Today we learned one way how to do our daily journals, the "Daily Quote" -

"Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end." Usher
1. DESCRIBE what the quote means to you.2. EXPLAIN your opinion about the quote.3. DESCRIBE and EXAMPLE form history, current events, or your life. 4. Share your journal with a neighbor for a meaningful response.

Current Events: The first current event is due before 11/9/2018 and the second is due before 11/30/2013. Each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to "Civilization", State of Nature vs. Civilization, and many more. See the handout below.

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - (Do assignment 1 if you are new to the class. Do assignment 2 if you are a returning student. Do both if you are returning but never made a vision card.)

Foundation Stones to Success -

What do each of these quotes mean? How do they apply to your life?
"I will not allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure." Og Mandino - Author of The Greatest Salesman in the World
"The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it." Dee Hock - Founder and CEO of Visa Credit Card

Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)2. Leads toward a positive goal.3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).4. Is simple5. Is attainable6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)

Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.2. Aligns people with a purpose.3. Defines direction for change and growth.4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

END of Mini-Term 2

25 September 2018 - Tuesday

Vision Assignment Introduction -

Write the following quotes and tell me what you think they mean.

"Every man us the architect of his own fortune." Sallust

"He who has not first laid his foundations may be able with great ability to lay them afterwards, but they will be laid with trouble to the architect and danger to the building." Niccolo Machiavelli

Now complete vision assignment 1 or 2 below.

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 - (Do assignment 1 if you are new to the class. Do assignment 2 if you are a returning student. Do both if you are returning but never made a vision card.)

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

      1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)
      2. Leads toward a positive goal.
      3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).
      4. Is simple
      5. Is attainable
      6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

      1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.
      2. Aligns people with a purpose.
      3. Defines direction for change and growth.
      4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

24 September 2018 - Monday - Welcome to Mini-Term 2

Daily Journals: Today we learned one way how to do our daily journals - "On This Date in History. . .". We will read a little short article about an event that happened on this day in history and answer questions about it from the board. We also learned the Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy. You should label each question with what type of question it is - Right There, Think and Search, Author and Me, or On My Own.

Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Class Flyer World Civ 2018 - 2019.pdf
WC MY Connect Flyer 2018_2019.pdf

Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 10/5 and the second is due before 10/25), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to "Civilization", technology (Domestication of Plants and Animals vs. GMO), State of Nature vs. Civilization, Anarchy, "Global Warming, Climate Change vs. "Cycles", and many more. See the handout below.

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

28 August 2018 - Wednesday

Vision Assignment - Finish the vision assignment, if you have not - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

Cosmogeny / Demiurge - Creations Stories / Myths and Early Cultural Beliefs from Around the World About the Creation of the Universer/World and Humanity

Storytelling Teacher Example - Bakuba (Africa) Cosmogeny Creation Story

Bakuba Cosmogeny 2016 New.ppsx

28 August 2018 - Tuesday

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.

Vision Criteria - What is necessary for a good goal.

      1. Engages the heart and spirit (passion and love for your cause)
      2. Leads toward a positive goal.
      3. Provides effort with meaning (What I do has a purpose).
      4. Is simple
      5. Is attainable
      6. Is flexible (Can Change or be altered as required without necessarily giving up - The world throws "curve balls" at us and we need to be able to be flexible and "roll with the punches".)
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

Mission statement. . .

      1. Serves as a communication tool inside and outside of the organization.
      2. Aligns people with a purpose.
      3. Defines direction for change and growth.
      4. Acts as an evaluation tool to help measure decisions, activities, and progress.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

27 August 2018 - Monday

Class Flyer - All-Seeng Eye Google Site - Online Class Disclosure - Flyer

Class Flyer World Civ 2018 - 2019.pdf
WC MY Connect Flyer 2018_2019.pdf

Pre-History Vocabulary Worksheet: Please cut this sheet down to fit in your journal. We will add this vocabulary as we go. Use some glue down one side and glue it into your journal.

pre_history_vocabulary worksheet_2014.pdf

24 August 2018 - Friday

Class Disclosure: Click on the following link to go the Google Class Disclosure Form - Click on the link at the top of the page to read the disclosure and answer the questions on the form and sign the form at the bottom. (It helps to do this with a split screen so you can read and fill out the form at the same time.) Make sure you click on the submit button when you are done.

23 August 2018 - Thursday

22 August 2018 - Wednesday

Current Events: Before the end of the mini-term (The first is due before 9/7 and the second is due before 9/21), each student should write up and report to the class on two articles from the newspaper or magazine (attach), the internet (print & attach), or TV/radio (Include Time/Date/Station). The content of these articles should connect with the topic, unit, or theme we are studying this mini-term. The topic this mini-term is anything connecting to Pre-History, technology, State of Nature vs. Civilization, Anarchy, Origin of Man and the Universe (Religious Beliefs and Scientific Theories), and many more. See the handout below.

Current Events World Civilizations 2018 2019.pdf

Name Tents (Continued): Make sure your Name Tents are ready to go for tomorrow. "Name Tents" will be a get-to-know-you activity. Take the card stock sheet and fold it in half - "hot dog style". Using a marker, put your first and last name on the name tent.

On the inside, answer the following questions:

What is something you did this summer?

What movie is your favorite and why?

What would you consider one of your strengths?

What do you know about Pre-History?

Describe the stereotypical “caveman”.

Describe what a “caveman” was really like.

1st Day of School - 2018-2019 - 21 August 2018 - Tuesday

Daily Journals: Today we learned how to do our daily journals - "The Quote of the Day". Please remember to bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook of some sort that can be specifically used for only this class. Daily Journals can not be made up unless you have a medically or other officially excused absence.

Name Tents: We also started a get-to-know-you activity called the "Name Tent". Take the card stock sheet and fold it in half - "hot dog style". Using a marker, put your first and last name on the name tent.

On the inside, answer the following questions:

What is something you did this summer?

What movie is your favorite and why?

What would you consider one of your strengths?

What do you know about Pre-History?

Describe the stereotypical “caveman”.

Describe what a “caveman” was really like.


END OF YEAR 2017-2018 - Congratulations Graduates!

2 - 15 May 2018 Reading Journals

As we read we the Sea of Trolls, we will have students report on the Subject Matter Expert Topics / Cards

We will also be taking a quiz after about every 5 chapters or so.

As we read will will also be doing a reading journal - 1/2 page of writing to demonstrate that you were paying attention and document what you learned. Below are the different reading journals and how much we read in each class each day.

Journal Entries should be at least roughly 1/2 page.

Image - Draw a picture or doodle to summarize what you learned today from the reading. I should be able to tell what you learned from what you draw. I should be able to tell that you paid attention and read with the class.

Inference and Prediction - Based on what we read, you should make several inferences and predictions about what will happen in the book.

Generalize - Draw conclusions about what you read today - What did you learn? What general statements could you make about some of the topics we read today?

Organize - Organize the information we read today into some sort of Graphic Organizer - A timeline, semantic web, t-chart, list, or outline.

Evaluate - What is good and bad? What do you like dislike? What is right or wrong? With what do you agree or disagree? Evaluate the author's writing.

Connection - Make connections to the reading - news, current events, history, other subjects, other things you have read, your life, US, and World.

Apply - How does this apply to other situations, the US, your life, school, work, family, the world, etc.?

Character Journal - Pick a character from the story and react to what we read today as if you were them.

Period 4

5/2-3 - Organize - Page 18

5/7 - Image - Page 33

5/8 Infer / Predict - Page 38 (Quiz #1)

5/9 Connections - Page 56


5/11 - Evaluate - Page 74

5/14 - Apply - Page 105

5/15 - Question w/ answers - Page 120

5/16 - Generalize - Page 129

5/17 - (Quiz #2)

10-11 May 2018 Beowulf

Example of what Old English sounds like - Clip of Beowulf

Translation Summary

We will NOT be reading the entire actual story of Beowulf - we will be just reading a summary of the story, but here is the actual story in Old English with modern English translation.

Beowulf History and Story Line Worksheet and Heroism

2 May 2018 - Sea of Trolls

We started reading Nancy Farmer’s – The Sea of Trolls

We used our pre-reading skills by looking at the front cover, reading the jacket covers, looking at the chapter titles. We looked at the character lists and the maps. We will be doing daily reading journals = This will include 10 different important reading strategies that all good readers use: Self-Monitoring (Fix-ups), Connection, Evaluate, Inferring or Predictions, Imaging, Generalize, Questioning, Organizing, Applying, Character Journal. Journal Entries should be at least roughly 1/2 page. Beyond these daily reading journals, we will also have pop-quizzes. These you cannot make up. You must be in class. It is important to be here so that you don’t miss the readings, but you also need to be prepared to pass quizzes, etc. Beyond that, we will be stopping from time to time to have students present their Subject Matter Expert information about the difference topics we will encounter in the book.

Reading Journal #1 - Organize - Today's reading journal was "Organize" - meaning using some sort of graphic organizer to document what we read today (i.e. list, outline, timeline, semantic (spider) web, t-chart, etc.).

Reading - We did pre-reading by looking at the jacket and reading the back cover and some of the introductory materials and the title page etc. Then we started Chapter 1 and read to page 6.

1 May 2018

Finish your Subject Matter Expert cards so they are ready when we start reading.

Sea of Trolls Expert Group Assignment

Subject Matter Expert Cards Template/Example

27 April 2018

Students, attending Hamilton on Friday, May 4 must take this survey asap.

Student Survey:

26 April 2018 - Substitute

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day: "The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection." Thomas Paine

Describe what the quote means to you.

Explain your opinion about the quote.

Describe and EXAMPLE from history, current events, or you life.

Share your journal with your neighbor for a meaningful response.

KSWL, ABC Brainstorm Chart, and Textbook Inventory:

Today we started to learn about Vikings and what we know about Vikings by filling our a KSWL list and an ABC Brainstorm Chart and a Textbook inventory of what we know about Vikings and what we want to know.

KSWL Chart - The students wrote down all the things they know (K), or think they know about Vikings. The second column is (S) the source of their information - from where have they learned what they know about Vikings. The third column was what they would like to know (W). We will do the (L) later - this is what they finally learned about Vikings. Later we will circle anything that was a misconception or misinformation to recognize what are some of the "myths" about Vikings that are perpetuated and are wrong.

ABC Brainstorm Chart - Try to think of something from every letter of the alphabet that is connected with Vikings.

Textbook Inventory - Here is what is in our textbook. Textbook Excerpts

24-25 April 2018

Today we started the Subject Matter Expert Cards Assignment - The Sea of Trolls. We started to introduce the book we are going to read - The Sea of Trolls - by doing a “Rapid Research Project” – the Topic Expert Research Project Assignment. Each student was picked 5 topics that they will give a small report on, when we encounter that topic in the book. This will help increase comprehension and understanding as we read the story. Students picked and will be responsible for 5 topics.

Sea of Trolls Expert Group Assignment

Subject Matter Expert Cards Template/Example

23 April 2018 - Mini-Term 8 (The Last Mini-Term - Graduation is just around the corner!)

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 12/11/2017.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals. These will be turned in every Friday.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of Vikings. Find articles and current events that connect with anything Viking. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 5/4/2018 - the second is due before 5/18/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

26 March 2018

The Shakespearean Play Assessment - Backgroud/ Requirements/Grading and Evaluations/ & Play Synopses

The Shakespearean Play Assessment.pdf

Aristotle's Poetics Grading Requirements - Shakespeare's place are a "rebirth" or a "Renaissance" of the ancient Greek dramas from Aristotle's day. Aristotle actually wrote a book called The Poetics that describes the requirements and elements of a good Greek drama, and many of those elements were used in Shakespeare's day and in modern theater and drama or on TVs and in movies on the big screen today.

Aristotle Poetics Website -

Aristotle and Poetics_Greek Drama web search 2017.pdf

Shakespeare Movies - Extra Credit - Watch the movie and fill out the story-line and questions.

Shakespeare Movie Assignment.pdf
Story Line Graphic Organizer_Shakespeare 2014.pdf

22 March 2018

Ernest Green - Field Trip

21 & 23 March 2018

All About Shakespeare Webquest - Shakespeare Introduction

Shakespeare Today??? Who are today's "bards", "poets", and "playwrights"?

All About Shakespearean Webquest Wkst.pdf

All About Shakespeare Webquest -

Use the following websites to complete the worksheet and learn about Shakespeare and the history of his plays and the Globe Theatre:

21 March 2018

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

20 March 2018 Welcome to Mini-Term 7

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 12/11/2017.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals. These will be turned in every Friday.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of Shakespeare. Find articles and current events that connect with anything Shakespeare - his plays, his time period, his poems or sonnets, anything with the arts or musice, etc. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 3/29/2018 - the second is due before 4/20/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

21 February 2018 - Wednesday - Early Out 11:45

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

20 February 2018 -Tuesday - Welcome to Mini-Term 6

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 2/26/2018.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of the Middle Ages AKA Dark Ages or Medieval Time Period and also Islam or Muslim history and the concepts of tolerance. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 3/2/18 - the second is due before 3/16/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

Friday - 9 February 2018 (Substitute)

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - "You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward." Diogenes

"Education is the movement from darkness to light." Allan Bloom

Write the quotes and then answer the Quote of the Day questions on the board.

Assignment - Complete the following worksheet using Chapters 8 and 9 (pgs. 180-229) to find answers to questions and vocabulary terms. Were the "Dark Ages" Really Dark? Education During the Middle Ages . When that is complete, head into the computer lab and work on your plans - My "Medieval" Plans to Succes worksheet.

Thursday - 8 February 2018 (Substitute)

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." William Shakespeare

"If I'm gonna tell a real story, I'm gonna start with my name." Kendrick Lamar

Write the quotes and then answer the Quote of the Day questions on the board.

Assignment - Go to the computer lab and complete the following "What's In a Name" Worksheet.

Wednesday - 7 February 2018 (Substitute)

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - "Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." George Washington Carver

Write the quote and then answer the Quote of the Day questions on the board.

Assignment - Feudalism and Manorialism Definitions and Worksheet and the TRUE/FALSE section of Chapter 8 Section 2 Reading Guide

Manorialism - Use the above map to fill in your manorialism map.

22 January 2018 - Monday

The goal of our Eyewitness Account is to tell about a specific historic event. We need to be thinking about a topic, but today we will be practicing our very descriptive writing by using the strategy of "Leveling". On a separate piece of paper complete the leveling strategy level 1-3.

Leveling PowerPoint - Just read starting with slide 8 and going to slide 12.

17 January 2018 - Wednesday - 19 January 2018 - Friday

Bau zhi - China was the first culture to incorporate a "newspaper" into their culture and civilization. This is a little bit of a carry-over from last mini-term. Last mini-term we were studying China and writing "newspaper" articles. We didn't get to the "Eye-witness" account. This handout will have requirements for the Eyewitness Account and the scoring rubric.

The Six Traits of Writing Rubric - We will be using this grading rubric to evaluate, revise, and grade the writing of our Eyewitness Accounts. We will be focusing on "Ideas", "Voice". "Word Choice", and "Sentence Fluency".

Eyewitness To History - "Surely Not!" Vision and Word Choice Assignment - "Powerful Verbs" Part of "word choice" is using powerful verbs. On this worksheet you will notice that the original account has been altered and many of the words, highlighted in blue, have been replaced with really boring verbs. Us a thesaurus to find synonyms that are more interesting and paint a visual picture in your mind as you read.

Leveling PowerPoint - Just read starting with the slide section on "Word Choice", slide 34 and going to slide 38. Use the story above about Genghis Khan.

16 January 2018 -Tuesday - Welcome to Mini-Term 5

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 12/11/2017.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of China or the Middle Ages AKA Dark Ages or Medieval Time Period. Find articles and current events that tell us what is going on in China with their government, economy, philosophies, culture, etc. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 12/15/17 - the second is due before 1/11/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

5 December 2017

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

4 December - Monday - Welcome to Mini-Term 4

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 12/11/2017.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of China. Find articles and current events that tell us what is going on in China with their government, economy, philosophies, culture, etc. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 12/15/17 - the second is due before 1/11/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

1 December 2017 - Final Day of the Mini-Term

Presentation Day - We will be going into the lab. Bring up your PowerPoint and start your presentation. We are doing this "Museum Display Mode" so that we get a chance to look at all of the PowerPoint presentations and so that everyone gets some feedback to this very preliminary presentation of your Nation History Day project. The goal is that everyone gets some exposure to their project and what they have done so far, they will know the questions viewers have, and that includes maybe things that are missing or unclear, or just general questions that maybe you have not thought of that might point you an interesting direction. You will also get feedback on what you are doing well and what you could improve on, as well as what the viewers found interesting. All of this feedback is in the hope that you all may desire to continue and do more with your History Day project, which is a constantly growing and editing process. Have fun with this!

Feedback sheet - you will be filling one of these out for every presentation from the class.

29-30 November 2017

Thesis Statement Worksheet - This worksheet will help you create a thesis statement for one of the slides of your PowerPoint. This worksheet will be turned in for grading. Pick one of the first two pages - they are similar - so choose one. Use the examples on the third page as a guide for your thesis statement.

PowerPoint Presentation Handouts and Helps - The first page shows you the different sections of your PowerPoint. The Title page more than being an introduction, I kind of want it to be more of a hook - something to grab the viewer's attention. Thesis statement will come from your Thesis Statement Worksheet (above). There are handouts to help you with the Historical Context, Main Event, and Historical Significance sections. They are not required but may help you with ideas or planning out those sections.

We will be presenting these "museum display style" on Friday. You need to set the presentation to loop and to advance on its own every 5 - 10 seconds or so. If you don't know how to do that ask for help.

29-30 November 2017

Powerpoint Presentation - This is NOT our final History Day project - we still have a lot of work to do if you desire to go on and participate in the History Day project - What I want to know is - What have you found so far, and I want you to introduce your topic and show us what answers you have found so far.

Thesis Statement Assignment -

27-28 November 2017

Primary Sources - In Their Words -

Find Five Historic Quotes from those who lived it - (Primary Sources) - What are the people who participated in the event, or contemporary sources saying about what happened? You can do this "Old School" with the worksheet, OR you can create a Google Doc with the five quotes and the source information.

Find Five Historic Images or Artifacts - (Primary Sources) - Find pictures or images (paintings, drawings, political cartoons, maps, etc.) that would help tell the story of what happened with your historic event.

Find Five Sources from Participants - (Primary Sources) - What are the people who participated in the event, or contemporary sources saying about what happened? You can do this "Old School" with the worksheet, OR you can create a Google Doc with the five quotes and the source information.

20-21 November 2017

Now a Word From the Experts -

Find Five Quotes from the Experts (Secondary Sources) - What are the experts and historians saying about your topic? You can do this "Old School" with the worksheet, OR you can create a Google Doc with the five quotes and the source information.

In Their Words -

Find Five Historic Quotes from those who lived it - (Primary Sources) - What are the people who participated in the event, or contemporary sources saying about what happened? You can do this "Old School" with the worksheet, OR you can create a Google Doc with the five quotes and the source information.

Find Five Historic Images or Artifacts - (Primary Sources) - Find pictures or images (paintings, drawings, political cartoons, maps, etc.) that would help tell the story of what happened with your historic event.

Find Five Sources from Participants - (Primary Sources) - What are the people who participated in the event, or contemporary sources saying about what happened? You can do this "Old School" with the worksheet, OR you can create a Google Doc with the five quotes and the source information.

16-17 November 2017

16 November - We had our Two Rivers Thanksgiving Day celebration - You should have attended all six classes and activities and turned your stamped passport into your advisor to get credit for today's assignment.

17 November -

Tertiary Sources Worksheet (2 Required Tertiary Sources with source information and description/keypoints/notes about the source - what you learned from it) You can do this "Old School" hard copy/paper version OR You can do the same thing saving the source in your students Google Drive with a google doc with source information and description/ key points/ notes about what you learned from the source.

Find Five Assignment (Secondary Sources) -

Secondary Sources Worksheet (5 Required Secondary Sources with source information and description/keypoints/notes about the source - what you learned from it) You can do this "Old School" hard copy/paper version OR You can do the same thing saving the source in your students Google Drive with a google doc with source information and description/ key points/ notes about what you learned from the source.

14-15 November 2017

Today we returned to finishing up some work on types of sources and how to evaluate sources for credibility - primary, secondary, or tertiary sources.

Sources PowerPoint Presentation

Sources Worksheet and Definitions

Types of Sources Handouts

Sources Quiz / Check up

13 November 2017 - Substitute

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day -

"The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner's legitimate interests."

Vladimir Putin

Today's Assignment - Theme Worksheet and 4 Proposals Worksheets should be done and handed in today. They will start to be late after today.

PRIORITY - "Find Five Assignment" - Once you have settled on which of the four topics you would like to pursue, for today's assignment, find at least 2 tertiary sources (may need more depending on if you need more background information), and 5 secondary sources.

Find Five Assignment

You can go "old school" and use the paper worksheet to document your sources. In that case, print them off, highlight parts you think are important, and take notes about the source.

OR you can us your google account and save, highlight, and make notes on your source using the tools we learned about with the Utah Online Library. To get point for the assignment, make sure you "SHARE" the file with Mr. Hatch - so I can grade it.

Find Five Assignment.pdf

9-10 November 2017

We worked on finishing the Theme questions and picking four possible topics that you could do for your research project.

History Day Project 2018 - Conflict and Compromise - History Day Theme Worksheet and Brainstorming Questions

Topic Proposal Sheet (4)

8 November 2017

Daily Journal - On this Day in History - Answer the following questions in your journal and have a neighbor respond.

1. What was the Beer Hall Putsch?

2. Describe the problems Germany was facing after World War I.

3. Describe the actions Hitler took to try and take over Germany.

4. What was the result of Hitler being arrested and imprisoned, and how did it affect the future?

History Detective Video and Listening Guide - Today I want you to think about what we have learned about Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources, and historical research and analyze the sources and think about the process the historians on the show - The History Detectives - go through to find and discover the truth about artifacts and events that occurred from these moments in history.

History Detective Listening Guide

Video Clip: The History Detectives - Bird of War, Lincoln Oath and War Spoils of a Peace Chief

7 November 2017

Today we had a few guests that came and helped us understand how to use the Internet in a smart way to do research - meaningful, valid, and accurate information.

History Day Research Project Great Online Resources:

(Username and Password required to use UEN Online Library at home is UN - "online" PW - "reader".)

Utah's Online Library Contains great resources that we practiced today -

World Book Online Encyclopedia - Great tertiary source to start your research. Remember on almost all of these sites you can save the article to your "History Day" file on your Google Drive that we created today. You can also highlight the article and attach notes.

Gale Reference Collection 9-12 - This has great biographies and tertiary and secondary articles on a wide range of topics. There is also a newspaper archive and other great research resources - check it out!

National Archives - Great place for historical documents and photos related to US History

Library of Congress - Huge collection of photos, newspapers, and other historic documents for US History

World Digital Library - Sponsored by the Library of Congress - But more for international World History topics. High quality world historical archive.

National History Day (NHD) Student Resources - "Helpful Research Links" tab to online resources and archives, "Ask the Expert" tab. A lot of helpful resources at this site.

6 November 2017

Today we will put finishing the Theme Worksheet off a day or two. We will be learning about different types of sources of information - Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary sources. These are all different levels of credibility.

We started by answering two questions at the top of your Sources Worksheet - 1.) What do historians do? 2.) What does it mean - "History is a VERB."

Watch the first 5 minutes of this video to discuss these ideas and discuss that as a class - History is a Verb - Utah History Day Video Clip - Watch until about 9:24 on the video clip - about 13:00 is a good clip too.

Primary and Secondary Sources Video Clip - Use this video clip to help define the three types or levels of credibility of sources.

Sources Worksheet and Definitions

Types of Sources Handouts

1-3 November 2017

We have been working with and kicking around the theme for this year's History Day Project 2018. Answer the following questions as you consider the different aspects of the theme - conflict and compromise.

History Day Project 2018 - Conflict and Compromise - History Day Theme Worksheet and Brainstorming Questions

31 October 2017 - Happy Halloween

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

30 October 2017 - Monday - Welcome to Mini-Term 3

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy!

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of Conflict and Compromise - The Theme for this mini-term's project - The History Day Project (More to come on that later). Find articles that answer the questions like - What are examples of conflict and compromise in history? Is compromise simple to reach? How does compromise help prevent future conflict? What happens when there is a failure to compromise? Does compromise always lead to peace or can it lead to more conflict? You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 11/10/17 - the second is due before 12/1/2017.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

9 October 2017 - Monday

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective - "No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service. - Christopher Columbus - (This quote gives you a sneak peak into Christopher Columbus's paradigm.)

6 October 2017 - Friday

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective - "There are truths on this side of the Pyrenees, which are falsehoods on the other." Blaise Pascal (see the picture and description below)

This quote is particularly enlightening when you realize that the Catholic Monarchs King Ferdinand and Isabella (from Columbus fame) who were from Aragon and Castille (Which one day would become modern Spain - were the kings who continued and were successful with the "Reconquista" (Reconquest) of Spain. The area known today as "Spain" had been controlled by the Muslim world since they had spread from Saudi Arabia across Northern Africa and up into Spain around 700 A.D. SO . . . literally on one side of the Pyrenees you have the Muslim world and on the other you have the Christian world. (The quote above references the differences between the Christian and Muslim Worlds) "In 1492, when Colombus sailed the ocean blue" Ferdinand and Isabella not only financed and sent Columbus on his voyage to discover a new route to the spices and silks of China and the Far East, but they also successfully completed the "Reconquista" of Spain - they drove the Muslims out of Spain and Grenada fell to the Christian world.

Today you will be working on some chapter. Please read the required chapter sections and complete the reading guide worksheets, BUT most importantly, the goal of reading the chapter sections is to find possible topics for our OLD CHINA NEWSPAPER project we will be working on for the rest of the mini-term.

As you read the section, fill out the possible topics sheet so you can have some really good ideas for our future NEWSPAPER project.

Possible Topics Worksheet

Possible Topics List (Some Examples of Possible Topics from the chapters below.)

The following chapter sections are REQUIRED! Read these section and complete the chapter reading guides (worksheet):

Early Civilization in China - Chapter 3 Section 3

Hinduism and Buddhism - Chapter 4 Section 1

Philosophy and Religion in China - Chapter 4 section 4

Strong Rulers United China - Chapter 4 Section 5

2 Golden Ages of China - Chapter 13 Section 1

The Mongol and Ming Empires - Chapter 13 Section 2

Of the following sections PICK 2 that you find interesting and complete the chapter reading guides (worksheet):

Cities of the Indus Valley - Chapter 3 Section 1

Kingdom of the Ganges - Chapter 3 Section 2

Powerful Empires of India - Chapter 4 Section 2

Pillars of Indian Life - Chapter 4 Section 3

Korea and Its Traditions - Chapter 13 Section 3

The Emergence of Japan - Chapter 13 Section 4

Japan's Feudal Age - Chapter 13 Section 5

***With any extra time, please work on your two current events - papers are in the classroom, or the internet - World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

5 October 2017 - Thursday - Parent Teacher Conferences

***** Parent Teacher Conference Tonight - I am sorry, but I will not be available for parent-teacher conference. If you have questions, concerns, or just generally want to know what your student is learning and how they are doing, please contact me at or 801-476-3951. *****

Daily Journal - On This Date In History . . . 5 October 1989 - The Dalai Lama Won the Nobel Peace Prize

Write down the following questions and then read the link below to find the answer.

1. Who is the Dalai Lama?

2. Why did he win the Nobel Peace Prize?

3. How is the NEW Dalai Lama chosen after the OLD one dies? (Just a fun fact, the current Dalai Lama has hinted that the next Dalai Lama may be reincarnated as a women. Interesting!)

4. How has the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism been persecuted by the Chinese government?

Share your journal with your neighbor.

Click here to read and answer the questions -

Let's learn about Marco Polo - VIDEO - Marco Polo Journey to the East

Marco Polo Journey to the East Listening Guide

***With any extra time, please work on your two current events - papers are in the classroom, or the internet - World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

4 October 2017 - Wednesday

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective -"You can't stop demographics. And show me a fence that ever worked. It didn't work at Hadrian's Wall [Failed to keep out the Scottish Picts]. The Great Wall of China didn't work [Failed to keep out Genghis Khan and the Mongolians]. The Berlin Wall [Fell in 1989]." - James Turrell - (What about the wall between the US and Mexico???)

Hadrian's Wall

Map of Hadrian's and Antonine's Walls - Roman walls to "contain" the Northern Scottish Picts Tribes.

Scottish Pits were not stopped by the Roman Hadrian's Wall.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall - 9 November 1989

Let's learn about The Great Wall of China - We are going to the lab.

The Great Wall of China - Its History and What it Means Worksheet - Webquest *Use this hyperlink to pull up the PDF version of the worksheet so you can just click on the hyperlinks to find the websites and videos you will be watching.

***With any extra time, please work on your two current events - papers are in the classroom, or the internet - World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

3 October 2017 - Tuesday

Daily Journal - Quote of the Day - Dual Perspective - "Calling China's online censorship system a 'Great Firewall' is increasingly trendy, but misleading. All walls, being the creation of engineers, can be breached with the right tools." - Evgeny Morozov

Continue Yesterday's Lesson and Articles on the Great Fire Wall of China.

The Great Firewall of China Presentation and Video Clips

The Great Firewall Worksheet / Guide (Hand the copies of this out to the students.)

Google and China - 3 Articles Reading and Worksheet

3 Articles - Hand these out to students.

Could Google Bring Freedom to China? - New York Time Upfront Magazine - 5 April 2010

Can Google Beat China? - The New York Times - 15 January 2010

Why Google Quit China and Why It's Heading Back - The Atlantic - 19 January 2016

***With any extra time, please work on your two current events - papers are in the classroom, or the internet - World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

2 October 2017 - Monday

Daily Journal - On This Date In History. . . 2 October 1836 - Charles Darwin Returned to England

Write down the following questions and then read the link below to find the answer.

1. Who was Charles Darwin?

2. Describe Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

3. Describe the paradigm shift that occurred with the theories contained in Darwin's published book, The Origin of the Species.

4. What was the reaction of the world to this new paradigm?

Share your journal with your neighbor.

Click here to read and answer the questions -

Let's learn about the Great "FIREWALL" of China - Click on the Great Firewall presentation link below and read the text - follow in order - watch the video clips and the links to video clips in order and fill out the worksheet as you go. Do this together as a class.

The Great Firewall of China Presentation and Video Clips

The Great Firewall Worksheet / Guide (Hand the copies of this out to the students.)

Google and China - 3 Articles Reading and Worksheet

3 Articles - Hand these out to students.

Could Google Bring Freedom to China? - New York Time Upfront Magazine - 5 April 2010

Can Google Beat China? - The New York Times - 15 January 2010

Why Google Quit China and Why It's Heading Back - The Atlantic - 19 January 2016

***With any extra time, please work on your two current events - papers are in the classroom, or the internet - World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

29 September 2017

Vision Card Assignment 1 & 2 Continued -

In your Daily Journal -

After hearing the story of St. George's Anglican Round Church - What does it mean to "plant acorns"? Write what you believe is the lesson or moral of the story?

Please write the following quotes and explain what they mean and how they apply to you in your life.

"Deeds, not stones, are the true monuments of the great." - John L. Motley

"The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid." - Thomas Kempis

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

28 September 2017

In your Daily Journal -

After hearing the story of St. George's Anglican Round Church - What does it mean to "plant acorns"? Write what you believe is the lesson or moral of the story?

Please write the following quotes and explain what they mean and how they apply to you in your life.

"Deeds, not stones, are the true monuments of the great." - John L. Motley

"The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid." - Thomas Kempis

Vision Assignment 1 or 2 -

  • Vision - A dream, goal, or plan for the future - A picture of future success.
  • Mission Statement - a clear and concise statement about what one is to do - the mission or action steps they need to take - a to-do-list.

We completed this mini-term's Vision Assignment - New students do Assignment #1 and returning students do the evaluation in Assignment #2. Assignment 1 and 2

27 September 2017

26 September 2017

Welcome to Mini-Term 2 - 25 September 2017

Disclosure and handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy!

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topics of "China" or "Exploration (European and other explores from around the world)", and "Dual Perspective". Find articles that answer the questions like - What are examples of Dual Perspective, or trailblazing, or exploration? OR What about China? Find a current article that connects with one of the themes or topics we will cover. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 10/6/17 - the second is due before 10/26/2017.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

28 August 2017

Today we watched and talked about the first video clip - a TED Talk on looking for the unexpected and making discoveries - looking at the world in different ways. Check out the video and complete the worksheet questions up to the point of the end of the video.

Google Classroom - Explorers and Discovery - Worksheet and Presentation

You should have also completed your On-line Disclosure by now. It is due today!

24 - 25 August 2017

Today we had a lot of fun testing your prior knowledge, misconceptions, or lack of knowledge about the European Age of Discovery & Exploration. We played a Kahoot game to "pretest" your knowledge in this area.

23 August 2017

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topics of "China" or "Exploration (European and other explores from around the world)", and "Initiative". Find articles that answer the questions like - What are examples of initiative, or trailblazing, or exploration? OR What about China? Find a current article that connects with one of the themes or topics we will cover. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 9/8/17 - the second is due before 9/21/2017.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

22 August 2017 - WELCOME BACK! Mini-Term 1 - DAY 1

World History: Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

World History Online Signed Disclosure Statement Form

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy!

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals.

20 March 2018 Welcome to Mini-Term 7

World History: Disclosure and Handouts from today -

QR Code - World History Disclosure

Disclosure Statement Form - World History found at -

Open the link - click on the disclosure link - read it - answer the questions in the google form - hit submit. Enjoy! Disclosure Form answered and signed must be done by Monday, 12/11/2017.

Class Flyer WH

My Connect QR WC DOC

Daily Journals - Bring a spiral notebook or composition notebook to use in this class for assignments and daily journals. These will be turned in every Friday.

Current Event - Today we also introduced the “It's a Small World” Current Event Assignment. The topic is any current appropriate article that would connect with the topic of Shakespeare. Find articles and current events that connect with anything Shakespeare - his plays, his time period, his poems or sonnets, anything with the arts or musice, etc. You must write-up the article by answering the questions and then report on the article to the class - oral report - just take 2 minutes and tell us about it. The first current event is due before - 3/29/2018 - the second is due before 4/20/2018.

World History Current Event - "It's a Small World Report"

Shakespeare Today??? Who are today's "bards", "poets", and "playwrights"?