
Place Value

In our place value unit, we focus on different ways to write numbers (standard, expanded, and word form), ways to estimate, number patterns, and ways to show the value of a number. The videos to the side are resources that we will use in class after the lessons on those topics have been taught.

Number Sense Review.pdf

You can use this extra study guide to help your child practice for our Number Sense test. This is not homework but would be a great way to practice for the test. Math is hard to study for without problems to solve, so you can use this to help you!

Addition and Subtraction

In third grade, we teach addition and subtraction both with and without regrouping to 10,000. The part that is trickiest for kiddos is regrouping. We also expect students to be able to solve one and two step word problems involving addition and subtraction. It is SO IMPORTANT that your child knows their addition and subtraction facts before the end of this unit, if not earlier!


Know your facts, know your facts, KNOW YOUR FACTS! That's a phrase I use quite often in third grade when it comes to multiplication. We use various strategies to help us understand the HOW/WHY of multiplication, but after we understand HOW/WHY, it's time to get those facts memorized!



Division is THE HARDEST thing to wrap your brain around if you've only been taught the traditional algorithm! PLEASE help me out by going through the strategies here! You will know when I teach them the algorithm, but until their brains can wrap around the concept, we need to use pictures and other methods first. Thank you for all your help!

Here are three videos of me explaining our division strategies!

Division Example 1
Division 2
Division 3