Meet Ms. Barron

My Friends and Family;;;

I live with my 8 year old daughter, Kenley. This year she is in 3rd grade with Mrs. Schulte. She loves to dance, sing, fish and camp. Oliver is 7 years old and is in second grade with Miss McGill. He loves baseball, Marvel movies and MInecraft. Lulu is our 3 year old Poochon. She is so lucky she is cute!

Some of My Favorite Things...

  • My kids!!

  • My dog

  • Owls

  • Target

  • Starbucks

  • Reading

  • Amazon

  • Decorating my home

  • Beaches, lakes and anything to do with the water

  • My friends

  • Cardinals Baseball

Just a little bit more about me...

I have a Master’s Degree in Literacy and an Educational Specialist Degree in School Administration with principal certification. I do hope to become an assistant principal in the near future and eventually be the head principal of my own elementary school.