
Math Time!

In room 33 we are working towards being independent with math centers.

Below you can find some hands-on learning activities with a simple deck of cards.

Hands-On Learning Activities To Try:

Make 10:

Use cards 1-10.

Lay out 8 cards facing up. Begin to cover up compatibles to 10 with new cards. Example: 2 and 8, or 4 and 6. If there are no more compatibles then start again. The goal is to use up all of your cards, and find all the compatibles of 10 quickly.

Make 10 Pyramid Solitaire:

Use cards 1-10. 

The goal is to remove cards in the pyramid by “making ten” with two cards. (Or removing a ten card, as it is already equal to ten). However, you can only remove cards that are completely uncovered. Therefore, at the start of the game, you can only use the bottom row of the pyramid to make ten. 

Once you are stuck and can no longer remove any more cards, add all the remaining cards to determine your score. The person with the smallest number wins

Mental Math Pyramid:

Use cards 1-10. Flip over 3-5 cards as the base of your pyramid. Add the two cards that are beside each other and write the number above. Continue for the rest of the row. Once you are done, go up to the next row and add those numbers. Continue this pattern until you have reached the top. The intent is for students to mentally add numbers together gradually getting larger as they go up the pyramid. Refer to the picture below.

Make 10 Pyramid Solitaire: Mental Math Pyramid: