SJH Counseling Center

Click the buttons ABOVE and BELOW to schedule your student's CCR.

8th Grade CCR  meetings with the counselor will start September 25th - November 3rd, 2023.

9th Grade CCR meetings with the counselor will start January 8th 2024 - February 16th 2024.

Josh Simon

School Counselor


phone: 801-476-5366

Office Hours: 7:15-3:15 

The Counselor is available at the school from 7:30 am - 3:15 pm

To schedule a meeting with Mr. Simon, click the button BELOW.

Simon's Virtual Counseling Office - Snowcrest Jr. High.pdf

Click on the 'Pop Out' box in the top right corner to enlarge the screen. Then you can click on the objects around the room. The counseling department wanted to have a virtual counseling corner of resources for academic and emotional supports.  Explore and Have Fun! 

Laura Rhees

Registrar/Counseling Secretary


Phone: 801-476-5360

Office Hours: 7:15-3:15 

New Student Registration Form - Click the button ABOVE

Schedule Changes Deadline for 2nd Semester is December 20th.

Carlie Tesch

Mental Health Therapist


Please contact Mr. Simon (school counselor) if you would like your student to talk to the school therapist.

We are really fortunate to have Carlie at Snowcrest Jr. High. 

If parents would like to request counseling services with Carlie, please contact the counseling office and talk with Mr. Simon (school counselor). We want to provide the right accommodations and support to every student. Counseling services are available for all students. 

Click on the button BELOW for community mental health resources.

Shauna Cheney

Student Advocate


Phone: 801-476-5360

Celeste McKinney

Testing Coordinator & SA


Phone: 801-476-5360

Brendy Saunders

Student Advocate/Edgenuity


Phone: 801-476-5360

Jessica Miller

Student Advocate


Phone:  801-476-5360

Snowcrest Jr. High

2755 N HWY 162 Eden UT 84310

(801) 476-5360

Fax - 801-476-5399

Yellow Events - School Counseling Activities

Maroon Events - School Wide Activities

For more tools on mindfulness, stress relief or dealing with anxiety, CLICK HERE.

Snowcrest Skyroom

The SKYROOM is a place that all students can use to calm down and refocus or relieve stress and anxiety. If you are ever feeling stressed or worried or feel like you are losing control, maybe you just need a break; please come talk to the school counselor or visit the SKYROOM. It's a quiet place where students can take a few minutes to clear their thoughts, take a little break and get refocused for the rest of the day.

If you do struggle with anxiety or friendship issues or any other challenges, please talk to the school counselor. School counselors have strategies they can share to help you find solutions to the challenges you face. They can provide you with coping strategies and other tools to help when emotions get the best of us.

Phone: 801-476-5360        Fax: 801-476-5399 Registrar: Laura Rhees -

If you are using a phone or a tablet: click on the 3 lines in the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER for more tabs & information.