8th Grade PCCR

Plan for College and Career Readiness

What Does College & Careers Have to Do with Junior High?!

We want you to develop your knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make a successful transition from school to work.  Your 8th grade PCCR helps you map out the next 4 years of high school (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade). You will go over options that you have while in high school. You will continue to do activities to learn more about yourself, your interests, and your WHY! 

8th Grade CCR Handouts and more

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

RMJH Credit Evaluation

Credit Evaluation

4-year plan

4-Year Plan

2022-2023 Course Selection Options

Course Selection Options

Keys to Success and Scholarships

Scholarships & More

2022-2023 High School Options

High School Options

22-23 8th CCR Letter

CCR Letter

     If you are unable to attend your student's PCCR, below are some helpful informational videos.