Scholarship Opportunities


Check out the different links below and see what scholarships you qualify for!

Shout it out scholarship

Eligibility: Students age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online 250 word essay on "If you could say one thing to the entire world at once, what would it be and why?"

Apply at

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Eligibility: Students Age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: "Imagine that your high school/college has been overrun with Zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Use your brain to flesh out a plan to avoid the Zombies, including where you would hide and the top 5 things you would bring with you to stay alive."

Apply at:

Patriot's Pen Scholarship

Eligibility: Students in grades 6-8

Criteria: Submit an entry form and a short written response (300-400 words) on the theme: "What is Patriotism to me?"

More information and entry form found at:

Education Matters Scholarship

Eligibility: Students Age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: "What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?"

Apply at:

Unigo $10K Scholarship

Eligibility: Be 13 years of age or older at the time of application

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: "Imagine a historical figure is brought back to life. Who is it? What's their favorite mobile app?"

Apply at:

Top Ten List Scholarship

Eligibility: Be 13 years of age or older at the time of application

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: "Create a Top Ten List of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship."

Apply at:

I Have a Dream Scholarship

Eligibility: Be 13 years of age or older at the time of application

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: "We want to know... what you dream about? Whether it's some bizarre dream you had last week, or your hopes for the future, share your dreams with us for a chance to win $1,500 for college."

Apply at:

Sweet & Simple Scholarships Application

Eligibility: Students age 13+ years old.

Criteria: Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the question: “Not every gift has to be expensive or extravagant. In fact, sometimes it’s the sweet and simple things that make a real difference in our lives. Think back and tell us about something you received as a gift and why it meant so much to you.”

Apply at:

Superpower Scholarship Application

Eligibility: Students age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online 250 word essay on “Which superhero or villain would you want to change places with for a day and why?”

Apply at:

All About Education Scholarship

Eligibility: Students age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online 250 word essay on “How will a $3,000 scholarship for education make a difference in your life?”

Apply at:

Fifth Month Scholarship

Eligibility: Students age 13+ years old

Criteria: Submit an online 250 word essay on “May is the fifth month of the year. Write a letter to the number five explaining why five is important. Be serious or be funny. Either way, here's a high five to you for being original.”

Apply at: