7th Grade Classroom Lessons

In 7th Grade, we are learning how you can create a plan for high school and a post-secondary experience that is meaningful to your career goals!

Copy of CCA Lesson College and Career.pptx

5 Min Body Scan Mediation

Stress Management

Teens can become overloaded with stress. When this happens, it can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as drug and/or alcohol use.

Our bodies respond to stress with a “fight, flight, or freeze” response! This includes faster heart and breathing rate, increased blood to muscles of arms and legs, cold or clammy hands and feet, and/or upset stomach.

Coping skills help you manage your stress and become more resilient. In the 7th grade, students will work to identify positive coping skills and their support people who can help them in times of need.

7th Graders, please click the link to take our survey. This helps us to better identify the needs of our school.