Checking in on friends and family: Using ACT

Throughout their middle school career, students in all grade-levels will participate in suicide prevention education using SOS Signs of Suicide. SOS encourages students to seek help if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. SOS is an evidence-based program that has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes about suicide risk and depression, as well as a reduction in actual suicide attempts.

Our goals in participating in this program include teaching students:

  • that depression is treatable so they are encouraged to seek help

  • how to identify serious depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend

  • to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend

  • who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it

We want to encourage students to continue to ACT!

ACKNOWLEDGE signs of depression or potential suicide risk in yourself or others

Show the individual that you CARE and are there for them

TELL a trusted adult who can help

Please visit for information on warning signs for youth suicide, to access useful resources, and to learn more about the key message all students learned through this program.