Daily Schedule

8:25-School begins: students put away backpacks and turn in their red communication folders, then do their choice of hands-on learning materials 

8:40-Morning Meeting: we greet each other and find out what we'll be doing at school for the day

9:00-ELA (English Language Arts): speaking and listening, reading and writing - read-alouds, phonics, comprehension, teacher-led small groups and group and independent work

11:00 -11:30: Lunch is with 1st and 2nd grade this year!

11:30-11:55: recess is also with 1st and 2nd grade!

12:00- 1:25: math - traditional whole-class lessons and teacher-led small groups and group and independent work

1:30-2:15: Social Emotional Learning, Social Studies, Science

2:15-2:50 Specials-schedule to be announced

2:53: dismissal to bus, car pickup, or Extended Day program (see TPS website for info on Extended Day)