
Where do I get Technology Support?

All students, K-12, who need a device will be provided with one. Parents may request to borrow a Chromebook by following these instructions from the District’s website (

Families without internet access can receive help by submitting this form.

Technology help is available for specific technology problems or if a user has a specific technology question by submitting a general support form.

Families can learn more about how to use many of the digital tools that the schools are planning to employ by visiting the Technology Help Center.

What platform will students use to participate in remote classes? Does the district only utilize Google Meet or is Zoom an option as it has features (like breakout rooms) that help with remote small group learning?

Remote classes are hosted on common learning management platforms. All educators use Seesaw for grades PK-2 and Google Classroom for grades 3-12.

The District has bought into Google G suite, which provides additional features to Google Meet, such as digital hand raising, breakout rooms, polls, Q & A, among others.

In addition, the District has upgraded our digital environment to include the G Suite Enterprise for Education set of Google tools. These tools will allow for additional features for teaching and learning as well as additional security features for all digital meetings.

Will students be using devices on their in-person hybrid days?

At the high school, all students will be expected to bring their device to school on in-person days. At the middle level, teachers will be sharing this information with students once hybrid begins. At the elementary level, devices will be provided in the schools IF students need to use them.

One of the goals for in-person learning, especially in the K-8 grades, is to provide students with learning opportunities that do not involve as much screen time.

Will my middle school student have to bring their own device into school?

At this time, we’re not planning for students to bring any personally-owned devices to school.

The District ordered 2,400 Chromebooks early in the summer. Our hope is that these items will be delivered soon. Once they arrive, these Chromebooks will be part of our 6-12 1:1 initiative. This initiative started at the high school three years ago and will continue through the middle grades.

If my student is remote and is being taught by a teacher from a different school in the district, will my student still have access to the online learning programs they have been using?

If a student chooses the remote-only path, they will continue to use the same online learning platforms such as Seesaw and Google Classroom. In addition, students will still have access to the online learning programs that have been purchased by the District, including Lexia. These programs were purchased with funds from the Covid relief grant and will continue to be available to all WRSD students regardless of which pathway is chosen.

Will students be using devices on their in-person hybrid days?

At the high school, all students will be expected to bring their device to school on in-person days. At the middle level, teachers will be sharing this information with students once hybrid begins. At the elementary level, devices will be provided in the schools IF students need to use them.

One of the goals for in-person learning, especially in the K-8 grades, is to provide students with learning opportunities that do not involve as much screen time.