Mrs. Flanders

Welcome to my webpage! Below you will find some information about Mrs. Flanders and our upcoming school year.

All about me!

My name is Mrs. Flanders, kindly known throughout Mountview as The Evil Dragon Lady, and I am beginning my ninth year at MTV! My world revolves around three things (the magic number in Language Arts): my family, my students, and my love of learning. My family consists of myself, my husband, and our wonderful son, the Baby Dragon. Throughout the year, I strive to get to know my students and help them to embrace learning and to be confident enough to admit how truly spectacular they are. I hope every June that I am one of the teachers waving and clapping like a goof who causes your guardians to ask, "Who is that crazy lady?" and for my beloved students to reply, "My 6th Grade LA teacher!" I am slightly obsessed with Harry Potter and any sort of mythology that I can get my hands on; truth be told, our Heroes Unit later in the year is my favorite because we get to set out on quests with realistic characters, danger, adventure, and conclude our journeys perhaps with even a little more self-confidence than we began with. Journaling and sharing knowledge and ideas is a favorite pastime of mine and I could not be more excited to embark on this 2021-2022 adventure with you all!


In order to accurately gauge your learning progress this year, I will be assessing you in a variety of ways, some of which include: homework, activities, FAQs (formative assessment quizzes, sort of similar to Exit Tickets), quizzes, writing samples, etc. Each type of assessment has a weighted value in PowerSchool, which simply means that every assignment contributes a little bit to your final grade: some assessments are "worth" more, and others are "worth" less, but all are valuable in assessing how much you know and what you may need a little more help with.

Scholastic Book Clubs:

Now more than ever it is so important for your child to have books in the home. Plus our class gets FREE books with every order!

Thank you for encouraging the love of reading!

~ Mrs. Flanders

Connect to Our Class Page

Shop the flyers with your child

Class Code: MKP7C

PS: Feel free to forward the class page link to extended family who may want to support your child's reading.


I am pleased to say that I enjoy teaching two blocks with each of my classes: a reading block and a writing block. This year in our reading blocks, we will explore literary elements and character traits through short stories, readers' theatres, and poems, as well as to join characters on their journeys through middle school, the ancient Greek world, and a few more fantastic places, too! In our first quarter's writing blocks, affectionately called, "Writing 101", we will start with the foundations of writing and build up to informative writing. From there, we will build confidence for argument writing, find our voice with narrative writing, and mix-in various writing activities throughout the year to practice our skills and share our ideas.

*** Google Classroom is the activity hub or distribution center (kind of like Amazon) for all materials and assignments this year. From there, you may be redirected or rerouted to other tools, apps, or extensions, but you will always start your day with Google Classroom. ***