Mr. Petersen

I painted those insect paintings, I like bugs.

About Mr. P -

I've been teaching for about 12 years total, and 6 years teaching at MTV. I have 2 kids, aged 18 and 20, both in college. I have 3 cats, Sadie, Mac and Frog. When we got our third cat, we realized that was one cat too many! Too late! I love to make art and I'll be working on things sometimes during class. I also love to make music and play the guitar. Above is a picture of me and my cat Frog. He really enjoyed wearing those bunny ears!

6th Grade Art

Mr. Petersen

In this class we study the basic building blocks of art. We work with concepts such as line, shape, color, value, form, pattern, balance, contrast, emphasis and unity. We learn to create effective works of art in two and three dimensions. We will draw inspiration from the world around us, the works of other artists, and from our own imaginations.


· I expect you to arrive on time. Within 3 minutes after the last class.

· I expect you to work attentively and productively.

· I expect you to meet deadlines for projects.

· I expect you to take pride in your work, and respect the work of your classmates.


· Students are evaluated on the following aspects:

1. 15% Class participation – time on task, following class routines, conduct, clean up.

2. 75% The Project Itself (Final Product) this includes preliminary sketches, neatness, effort, creativity and craftsmanship.

3. 10% Evaluation: Quizzes, 2-4 brief quizzes.


Students who are absent from class are responsible for updating themselves on work they missed, and obtaining any handouts that were given that day.

Art Room Rules:

1. Use materials properly.

2. Keep your hands/feet to yourself.

3. Treat yourself, others and the artwork with respect.

4. No talking during instruction or demonstration.

5. Keep your voice at a reasonable level, no yelling, etc. (N.O.I.S.E.)

6. Your work must be your own – no one can draw, sculpt or color your work for you.

7. Clean up after yourself!!!

8. Sanitize!!!!!!!! Your hands, and your desk. Anytime you leave the room you should sanitize before you go, and again when you return.

The 4 secrets to getting an “A” in Art

1. Follow Instructions (listening)

2. Behave yourself (conduct)

3. Do the work to the best of your ability (effort)

4. Have a good attitude

In this classroom we say

“How can I improve?” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “I’m no good at this.”

“Let me try it a different way.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “I give up.”

“Mistakes are part of learning.”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “I failed.”

“Have I done my best work?”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “I’m all done.”

“Learning takes time.”-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “This is too hard.”

“How can we learn from one another?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “He/She is better than me.”

“I like a challenge.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------instead of “I’ll stick with what I know.”

“My effort and attitude are everything.” ---------------------------------------------------------- instead of “My abilities determine everything.”