Quick Links

Someone looking over your shoulder?Click here to go to the Weather network

If you are experiencing an emergency, please head to your nearest emergency department, or call 911

Community Supports and Organizations Website Links

Additional agencies:

Alberta Family Violence Info Line 780-310-1818

Addiction Help Line 1- 800-665-9676

Bullying Help Line 1-888-456-2323

Central AB Sexual Assault Support Centre – Red Deer 1-866-956-1099

Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-387-5437 (1800-387 KIDS)

Crisis Help Line - Alberta 1-877-303-2642

Elder Abuse Hotline 1-888-357-9339

Income Support – Ab. Gov’t ( 24/7) 1-866-644-5135 https://www.alberta.ca/emergency-financial-assistance.aspx

Kids Help Line 1-800 668-6868

Mental Health Crisis Line 1-877-303-2642

Poison Control 1-800-332-1414

Saffron Centre (Sexual Assault) Sherwood Park 780-449-0900

Sexual Assault Centre Edmonton 780 423-4121

STD/AIDS Info Line Health Link (or dial 811) 1-800-772-2437

Support Network Distress Line - Edmonton 1-800-661-4606

Legal Aid 1-866-845-3245 https://www.legalaid.ab.ca/

Directions for Wellness (Employment Support) 780-352-4477

Family Resource Centre (Domestic Violence Support) 780-352-4010

Family Violence Info Line 310-1818

Salvation Army Food Bank (Emergency Food) 780-352-2416

Children’s Mental Health Crisis Line 780-427-4491

BGC Kids Help Phone Text BGCHelp to 686868

RCMP 911 (Non-emergency line: 780-312-7200)

Victim’s Services 780-312-7287

Camrose Women's Shelter 24/7 Crisis Line 1-877-672-1010

This resource was created in partnership with members of the Community Collaborative Network - Wetaskiwin.

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