Blocksi - At School and At Home

Click here to view district newsletter on Blocksi.

WRPS use Blocksi as our content filtering program. This program keeps students safe at school and home when using their school-issued devices and accounts.  As a partner in your child's education, we feel it is of value to give you access to the Blocksi manager. In the parent dashboard, you have a real-time view of your student's activity on their school device or account. Blocksi allows parents to monitor their student's activity and enforce additonal policies and settings for their student when they are at home.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media 

Provides tips and tools to help your student have a healthy relationship with Screens.

Consider going over the Family Media Agreement with your student. 

Even if you only use the agreement to open up a dialogue about your student's online activities, it will lead to some meaningful discussion.


Check out WRAMS Other Webpages on Online Safety

Check out these websites with more tips and tools