Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Mental Health ?

Mental Health is a broad aspect of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is mostly made up of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Over the course of someone's life, things that happen to any of us affect our overall mental health.

What Do I Do If The Support Doesn't Help?

There are many ways to get support. It is ok to feel like there isn't but there are many different things that might work for you. It is important to be open and committed to finding help. Stay hopeful! We are here to help! From student to student! We try to understand and connect as best possible!

If you have any general questions or would like to give feedback you can go to this google classroom. Thanks!

Want to Join Our Group?

We would love to have you!! Join this google classroom : s7em56m every other Wednesday at 2:30. See our google classroom page for dates.

Why Join Our Club?

Psy-Ki Quarters loves to talk about Mental Health.

Whether it's on projects such as this site, or slideshows about the nervous system, we'd love for you to join us!

The aim of this team will always be to help students feel at ease. That means joining is no pressure whatsoever, it's up to you!

We like to post:

  • What we're up to.

  • Recommendations you have.

And more!