feeder birds!

on this page I will be talking all about the funny moments and cool birds that show up at my feeders! I will also show my feeder setup and more!

my feeder setup.

I have a feeder setup that I use every feeding season and the birds seem to like the setup. I feed the birds black oil sunflower, hulled black oil sunflower, safflower, white millet, and peanut suet. Hulled sunflower is the most popular choice at my feeders and ever bird that I have had come to my feeders have at some point eaten this seed. I curranty have four feeders, a suet cage and three tube feeders. 2 of the feeders that I own are squirrel proof and they work very well. the way the squirrel proof feeders work is that when a squirrel goes on the feeder it's wight pushes the feeder down closing the ports so the squirrel can't get the seed. most birds can feed at these two feeders without it going down unless they wight to much.



mixed seed/sunflower tube feeder


the seed I feed and what it attracts

hulled sunflower

although fairly expensive I find that this seed attracts the widest amount of species. there is also the benefit of no sunflower seed shells all over the ground. I put this seed in the classic and the mixed seed/sunflower tube feeder. so far all of the birds that have come to my feeders have eaten this seed. I find that American goldfinches, house finches, northern cardinals, black-capped chickadees, house sparrows, common grackles, red-bellied woodpeckers, purple finches, pine siskins, white-breasted nuthatches, white throated sparrows, mourning doves, and dark-eyed juncos love this seed. all of these birds will eat black oil sunflower with the shell on it to, this seed is just more preferred I find. many other species birds eat hulled sunflower (and black oil sunflower) as it is the most popular feed in all the bird seeds there is. I was just listing the birds that come to my feeders but many others love this seed.

cardinal chorus (mixed seed)

this seed mix has black oil sunflower, safflower, and white millet. this feed is really good at attracting sparrow, juncos, grosbeaks, cardinals, chickadees, and nuthatches. I put this seed in my standard feeder witch lets many different sized birds feed. the birds that like to feed on this seed at my house are, dark-eyed juncos, northern cardinals, black capped chickadees, red-breasted nuthatch, white-breasted nuthatch, chipping sparrows, house sparrows, house finches, white-throated sparrows, and mourning doves. sparrows and jucos especially like this feed because it has white millet, a favorite of almost all species of North America.

Grandstand (mixed seed)

Grandstand is a great mix of seed, It has peanut hearts, hulled sunflower and safflower.

peanut suet

this suet is a very easy way to attract all kinds of woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees. because it has peanuts in, it attracts almost all the woodpeckers in North America. at my house the downy woodpeckers eat it as the only food they eat at my house. I don't have many woodpeckers at my house but I have seen a red-bellied woodpecker on my peanut suet. suet is best put out only during colder mouths.

here is my list of all the birds that I have seen at my feeders! most of these birds also eat other seeds than the ones that I feed.

  • American goldfinch- hulled sunflower, black oil sunflower

  • pine siskin- hulled sunflower

  • house finch- hulled sunflower, black oil sunflower, and safflower

  • dark-eyed junco - white millet, hulled sunflower, safflower, peanut suet, peanuts hearts

  • house sparrow - white millet, hulled sunflower

  • american tree sparrow- white millet, hulled sunflower, peanut suet, peanut hearts

  • chipping sparrow - black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower, white millet

  • white throated sparrow - white millet, black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower

  • white-crowned sparrow - white millet, hulled sunflower

  • song sparrow - white millet, hulled sunflower

  • mourning dove - white millet, hulled sunflower, black oil sunflower, safflower

  • northern cardinal - safflower, black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower

  • blue jay - black oil sunflower, safflower, peanut suet, peanut hearts

  • common grackle - hulled sunflower, black oil sunflower, white millet

  • European starling - black oil sunflower, white millet, peanut suet, hulled sunflower

  • brown-headed cowbird - white millet, black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower

  • white-breasted nuthatch - black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower, peanut suet, peanut hearts

  • red breasted nuthatch - black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower, peanut suet, peanut hearts

  • black-capped chickadee - black oil sunflower, hulled sunflower, peanut suet, safflower, peanut hearts

  • red-bellied woodpecker - hulled sunflower, black oil sunflower, peanut suet, peanut hearts

  • downy woodpecker - hulled sunflower, peanut suet, black oil sunflower, peanut hearts

  • hairy woodpecker - black oil sunflower, peanut suet , peanut hearts

feeder photos!

eastern grey squirrel

couldn't get past the squirrel proof feeder!

white-breasted nuthatch

the butt end of nature!

downy woodpecker

downy woodpecker enjoying the peanut suet!

dark-eyed junco

who are you looking at!

red-bellied woodpecker

scared everyone away!

blue jay

enjoying the seed!