This course focuses on guidelines for making nutritious food choices. Students will investigate factors that influence food choices, including beliefs, attitudes, current trends, traditional eating patterns, food-marketing strategies, and individual needs. Students will also explore the environmental impact of a variety of food choices at the local and global level. The course provides students with opportunities to develop food-preparation skills and introduces them to the use of social science research methods in the area of food and nutrition.

“The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 Social Sciences and The Humanities.” Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2013.

In Food and Nutrition, students will learn the basics of cooking such as reading a recipe, shopping for and measuring ingredients. Students will also learn basic kitchen techniques such as using knives safely in the kitchens and how to use the various cooking utensils. Students will gain experience in the kitchen by learning various cooking techniques while preparing healthy meal choices. Students gain experience in the kitchens by cooking traditional foods from various cultures, communities and experiment with current food trends. In HFN, students learn how marketing in the food industry can affect their food choices as teenagers. Students also explore where our food comes from both locally and globally.