The John Locke Essay Competition – Junior Award

This is open to students who will not be 15 by the closing date. This is open to Year 7 to 10 depending on your date of birth.

The Junior Competition is an essay chosen from one of the questions below. You can ask for help from Miss Clarke in preparing this. There are prizes and awards available.


Q1. The government funds opera and ballet, but not Call of Duty or Super Mario. Should citizens be forced to subsidise entertainment? And, if so, why some people's but not others'?

Q2. Who should own your data? The companies with which you agree to share your data, everybody, just you, or nobody?

Q3. How socialist is Sweden?

Q4. Who was the best leader of all time?

Q5. What's wrong with slavery? (Professor Roger Teichman, University of Oxford)

For more information on either of the above awards please visit the link below...

You may use this activity to contribute to your DofE SKILLS Section as long as you provide regular submissions over the course of the term.

Please join class code 6shw3n3 in Google Classroom