
The Women’s Axe Council, in conjunction with WATL, has created this program to support female throwers and encourage new throwers to experience the sport and cultivate relationships within the axe-throwing community. It provides women with a safe, non-judgmental, supportive mentor who will guide them in everything axe throwing. 

*Please note - Mentoring isn't just for throwers. It is for anyone who would like to improve their judging skills, learn how to manage a tournament (set-up, brackets, problem-solving), etc. 

Mentor Responsibilities

Mentors are expected to provide support and encouragement to the mentee as a liaison in the axe-throwing community. Mentors agree to devote time to help their mentee in developing a personal action plan based on their stated needs in the application. Mentors will be expected to hold face-to-face (if local) or video chats on an agreed-upon schedule during the introduction meeting.

Mentee Responsibilities

Mentees are expected to seek out opportunities and experiences to enhance their personal action plan. Mentees will set a schedule with their mentor as a guide to prioritizing their stated needs in the application. Mentees will be expected to hold face-to-face (if local) or video chats on an agreed-upon schedule during the introduction meeting.

Program Guidelines and Timeline

1. Council will review applications for mentors and mentees to create the right fit based on –

a. Mentor’s strengths, throwing style, participating disciplines, and location (time zone)

b. Mentee's short- and long-term goals, throwing style, goal for the relationship, and location (time zone)

2. Once a match is created, the council liaison will set up a short introduction meeting to discuss the program and answer any relevant questions. 

3. Mentors will provide progress updates to the council on a monthly basis to start. 

4. Mentees will provide open and honest feedback regarding their mentor and how the relationship is progressing.