-Week of 6/7-

On this page, you can read work created in our writing workshop! To submit something of your own from the workshop, click here .

  • A Very Short Story by Carisa Hochkeppel

64 words: Ever since school has started I’ve been looking forward to every vacation and those three months of summer. There are so many places that I am going to with friends and family. I’m also going to be camping and there is nothing more I want to do except just go camping. I am so excited to just relax, meet new people, and have fun!

6 words: Relax, meet people, and have fun!

  • The Octopus by Mary Nzoka

61 words: There once was a green octopus. It could talk, but that wasn’t useful because the octopus didn't have anyone to talk with. Determined to put its skill to use, the octopus left its home and went for a swim. Outside was a lionfish, but the octopus was afraid. It suppressed it's fear and swam towards it, hoping for a pleasant surprise.

6 words: Courageous octopus swims towards a lionfish.

This workshop was our final writing workshop for the school year of 2020-2021! In this workshop, we did multiple activities such as one word stories, MadLibs, and six word stories such as the writing above! In six word stories, writers gradually decrease the amount of writing in their story to end with only six words.