
Read below for our answers to Frequently Asked Questions about submissions!

How do I submit to the Apricot Journal?

To submit to the Apricot Journal, click any of the Submit! buttons on our website; they will direct you to our submission form. If you have more questions, visit the Submissions page on the website!

Can I submit in a language other than English?

Yes! We accept submissions in multiple languages! Please view our Submission Guidelines page for more details.

What will happen to my submission?

Once you submit to the Journal, your submission will be read by the members of our excellent staff, who will together decide whether to accept your piece for publication!

What if my submission isn’t accepted?

That's okay! We receive a lot of writing, and, unfortunately, cannot publish all of it. Keep writing, and continue submitting your work to us!

When will I hear back about my submission?

Once you submit your writing, you should plan to hear back about your submission within one to two weeks. If you don't hear back about your submission three weeks after you have submitted it, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

When will my submission be published?

If your writing has been accepted, your work will be published in an upcoming issue this spring, most likely our next issue. However, sometimes we cannot fit all of our accepted pieces into one issue, and in that case, you may have to wait a month or two for it to be published!