

To submit to the Apricot Journal, click any of the Submit buttons on the website or click here.

You can read submission guidelines below, and the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) here.

Submission Guidelines

We accept the following *ORIGINAL forms of writing:


  • POEMS (including rap)


Word count limits:

  • PROSE (short stories and essays): maximum of 2500 words

  • POEMS: maximum of 300 words per poem

Submissions in languages other than English:

  • We accept submissions in multiple languages!

  • If possible, please include an English translation of your writing

  • If your piece is accepted, the original text will be printed, along with an English translation

  • Regarding the word counts, as long as your ORIGINAL PIECE fits the word count, it will be considered!

Of course, since this is a school magazine, and there is the possibility that your writing will be read by teachers, please make sure your piece is school-appropriate!

Please try your best to make sure there are as few spelling and grammar errors in your writing as possible!

*All work must be original and self-created